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随着信息技术在教育中的普及应用,越来越多的学校尝试使用交互式电子白板进行教学,并将其视为变革教学方式的动力。交互式电子白板的研究在幼儿园数学教学中的应用,呈现更加有效、实用、灵活、便捷的特点。《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》提出:“幼儿的思维特点是以具体形象思维为主,应注重引导幼儿通过直接感知、亲身体验和实际操作进行科学学习,不应为追求知识和技能的掌握,对幼儿进行灌输和强化训练。”因此,在数学领域中应重视为幼儿提供更为丰富的学习资源,动手操作资料,把交互式电子白板作为幼儿学习数学和解决问题强有力的工具,致力于改变幼儿的学习方式,使幼儿乐学并有更多的精力投入到探索性的数学活动中去。 With the popularization and application of information technology in education, more and more schools try to use the interactive whiteboard for teaching and regard it as the driving force for changing teaching methods. The application of interactive whiteboard in kindergarten mathematics teaching has become more effective, practical, flexible and convenient. The Guideline for Learning and Development of 3-6-year-old Children puts forward: “The thinking style of young children is mainly based on specific image thinking. Children should be guided to learn science through direct perception, personal experience and practical operation. They should not pursue knowledge and Mastery of skills, instilling and intensive training of young children. ”Therefore, in the field of mathematics, more emphasis should be placed on providing young children with more learning resources, hands-on information, and using the interactive whiteboard as a platform for toddlers to learn math and solve problems Tools to change the way children learn, so that children learn more and put more energy into exploratory math activities.
介绍了解决社会需求与职业培训之间的关系,及走市场化运作、产业化发展、社会化服务的路子。 Introduced the solution to the relationship between social needs and voca
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在初中思想政治课中,通过情感教学,如:以情激学、以情明理、以情导行等教学手段,促使学生学习思想政治知识收到了良好的效果。 In junior high school thought politics cla
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