
来源 :联合国青年技术培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hyt1217
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  A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Government of Yemen and the Yemeni private sector was signed today in Washington DC to foster an enabling environment for business creation and youth employment.
  “This is exciting news,” John D. Sullivan, Executive Director of the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) remarked. “This is a first of its kind partnership between the Yemeni government and private sector to establish a working framework that will support the critical transition process in Yemen.”
  With the objective of promoting inclusive economic development that will create jobs and foster peace, the MOU calls for a formal dialogue mechanism between government and private sector, the creation of a Joint Committee on Small and Medium Enterprises and private sector engagement in value chain development. It also calls for reforms to reduce corruption, protect private property, and provide the requirements of a suitable investment environment for the private sector that is attractive for local and foreign investment.
  Paolo Lembo, Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Yemen sees this as a positive step for the country. “We have an unprecedented opportunity to harness the potential of the private sector to give jobs and hope to the young men and women of Yemen,” Lembo said.
  The MOU was signed at a joint UNDP-CIPE event, by Yemeni Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Dr. Mohammed Al-Maitami, and Chairperson of the Yemeni Federation of Chambers of Commerce Mohammed Abdo Saeed Anam.
  This initiative is part of wider efforts to address youth unemployment. The Government of Yemen, UN development agencies and the World Bank Group recently adopted the MDG Acceleration Framework (MAF) that identifies fast-track solutions for poverty reduction in Yemen by improving rural livelihoods and creating employment for women and youth.
  Yemen is at an important crossroad in its transition. The transitional government under President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi and Prime Minister Khaled Bahah is embarking on the implementation of recommendations from a historical 565-member National Dialogue Conference (NDC) that concluded in January 2014.
  These recommendations, referred to as the NDC Outcomes, include the reform of state institutions to accountably and effectively manage public services, justice, security, and the economy to create job opportunities and development for the widely impoverished population, especially for the youth and women. A number of NDC outcomes are sensitive, requiring tactful political negotiations to be moved forward.
  A Constitutional Drafting Committee is currently drafting a new Constitution aligned with the NDC Outcomes that will later be shared for review and consultation with the public.
  也门政府和私营部门今日在华盛顿特区签署备忘录,为贸易与青年就业创造一个良好的环境。“这个消息非常激动人心。”美国商会国际私营企业中心主任John D. Sullivan评价。这是也门政府和私营部门第一次建立这种支持也门重大突破的工作框架。“该备忘录呼吁两者间建立正式的对话机制,建立中小型企业联合委员会和让私营部门参与价值链的发展。也呼吁反腐改革,保护私人财产,提供创造吸引外资的合适环境。也门正处于重大突破的十字路口,这项突破的执行始于2014年举行的,有565位成员参加的国家对话大会。
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