
来源 :环境昆虫学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenfj01
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为了明确成虫密度、日龄、性别对应用药膜法测定杀虫剂的毒力结果的影响,本文测定了敌百虫、高效氯氰菊酯、阿维菌素等3种药剂对不同密度、不同日龄条件下桔小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel)雌雄成虫的毒力。结果表明,3种杀虫剂处理后不同密度桔小实蝇成虫的死亡率呈现不同规律。敌百虫处理5-10头/瓶成虫死亡率最高,为62%-72%,之后逐渐降低至10%以下,并趋于稳定;阿维菌素处理死亡率总体呈高-低-高-低的S形变化,以30-50头/瓶最高;高效氯氰菊酯处理后死亡率5头/瓶时最低,其他9个密度稳定在35.5%-46.4%;建立了描述3种药剂处理后死亡率和成虫密度之间关系的模型。同一种药剂处理不同日龄成虫,其死亡率变化规律明显。敌百虫处理4日龄、74日龄雌虫死亡率最高,14日龄最低;4、54、64日龄雄虫死亡率较高,14日龄最低;其雌雄虫死亡率与日龄间关系均符合Johnson Schumacher模型。高效氯氰菊酯处理雌雄成虫的死亡率均以4日龄最低,之后明显增大,24日龄后趋向稳定;死亡率与日龄间关系均可符合Quadratics Ratio模型。同一日龄雌雄虫死亡率比较,敌百虫处理无显著差异,高效氯氰菊酯处理雌虫大多高于雄虫。根据以上研究,提出的测定杀虫剂毒力时桔小实蝇的合适密度为0.04-0.06头/mL(容器体积)或者27.4-18.2 cm2/头(药膜面积)。 In order to clarify the influence of the insecticide’s virulence results by using the membrane method to determine the adult density, age and sex, we measured the effects of three agents, trichlorfon, beta-cypermethrin and avermectin, on the density, Toxicity of male and female adults of Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel). The results showed that the mortality rates of adults with different density of fruit fly showed different rules after the three kinds of insecticides were treated. Trichlorfon had the highest death rate of 5 to 10 heads per bottle, which was 62% -72%, then gradually reduced to less than 10%, and tended to be stable. The mortality of avermectins was high-low-high- Low S-shaped changes to the maximum of 30-50 / bottle; the lowest 5-bottle / bottle after the beta-cypermethrin treatment, the other 9 density was stable at 35.5% -46.4%; the mortality rate And adult density model. The same agent to deal with adults of different ages, the mortality rate was significantly changed. Trichlorfon treated 4-day-old, 74-day-old female mortality highest, lowest 14 days; 4, 54, 64-day male mortality was higher, the lowest 14 days; male and female mortality and day-old age The relationships fit the Johnson Schumacher model. The alpha-cypermethrin mortality in both male and female adults was the lowest at 4 days, then significantly increased, and stabilized at 24 days of age. The mortality was related to the Quadratics Ratio model. Mortality of male and female at the same age compared trichlorfon treatment no significant difference, beta-cypermethrin treatment of female than male. Based on the above studies, the proposed density of insecticide to detect Pesticide toxicity is 0.04-0.06 heads / mL (container volume) or 27.4-18.2 cm2 / head (film area).
向量作為我们研究空间几何的一种重要工具,在解决一些空间几何问题时,既要有较强的空间想象能力,又要有较强的运算能力,因此不少同学总会出现这样或那样的错误. 下面就常见错误归纳总结,并加以剖析,希望对同学们有所帮助.
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目标:  1.感知圆形、正方形、三角形的基本特征。  2.运用两个骰子进行游戏,学习从颜色、形状两个维度进行观察、分析、判断。  准备:  1.红色、黄色、绿色的游戏底板各一块,底板上各贴有若干中间带铁片的几何图形(见图1、2、3)。  2.红、黄、绿色的三角形、圆形、正方形卡片若干,每张卡片的背后有磁贴(见图4)。  3.“兔宝宝回家”的场景底板一块,上面布满铁片点(见图5);兔妈妈、兔宝宝、兔