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本实验使用18~20d的幼年大鼠视皮层脑片标本,在LTP出现后3h取局部微脑片固定进行LTP维持阶段超微结构的研究。分别与孵育相同时间而未予任何刺激的脑片和仅给予测试刺激的脑片作比较。运用图像分析仪分别对三组电镜结果进行以下参数的测量:(1)突触间隙的宽度;(2)突触后致密物(PSD)的厚度;(3)活性区的长度;和(4)突触界面曲率。用双盲法对突触数目进行计量,并用立体计量学方法对各种突触类型进行定量,所得数据用方差分析进行统计学处理。结果显示:(1)LTP形成后15h左右,其反应达到峰值,然后维持在最高水平一直到3h仍无下降趋势;(2)突触间隙的宽度较两个对照组明显增宽;(3)PSD的厚度也明显增厚;(4)活性区的面密度及突触界面曲率明显增加;(5)总突触数目和棘突触数目的数密度较空白对照明显增高;(6)穿孔性突触的数密度与对照组相比明显增加。结果提示:活性区面密度的增加及突触界面曲率的增大可能是LTP维持的形态学基础。穿孔性突触的形成与LTP的维持密切相关。 In this study, 18 ~ 20d young adult rat visual cortex brain slice specimens, 3h after LTP appears to take local micro-brain slices for LTP maintenance phase ultrastructure. Brain slices that were incubated with the same time without stimulation and those stimulated with the test alone were compared. The following parameters were measured on three groups of electron microscopy results using an image analyzer: (1) the width of the synaptic cleft; (2) the thickness of the postsynaptic density (PSD); (3) the length of the active region; and ) Synaptic interface curvature. The number of synapses was measured by double-blind method, and various synapses were quantified by stereometric method. The data were statistically analyzed by analysis of variance. The results showed that: (1) The response peaked at about 1h after LTP formation, and then remained at the highest level until 3h. (2) The width of synaptic cleft was significantly wider than that of the two control groups ( (3) the thickness of PSD was significantly thicker; (4) the area density of the active area and the curvature of the synaptic interface increased significantly; (5) The number density of the total number of synapses and the number of spinous processes significantly increased compared with that of the blank control; The number density of perforation synapses increased significantly compared with the control group. The results suggest that the increase of active area density and the increase of curvature of synaptic interface may be the morphological basis of LTP maintenance. The formation of perforation synapses is closely related to the maintenance of LTP.
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