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因创伤、感染及先天畸形所致的颅骨和面部骨缺损,常造成功能障碍或外观畸形而需要手术植骨修复。近年来,自体的颅骨外板被认为是较理想的供骨[1],在修复颅面骨缺损尤显优越。但因供骨制取较困难,临床合用不广泛。自1990年以来,以自体颅骨外板游离移植,修复了26例颅面骨缺损畸形,经12~24个月的随访,效果满意,报告如下。1 临床资料  本组26例,男21例,女5例。年龄6~45岁(仅1例为6岁,其余均在17岁以上)。其中外伤性额、眶部颅骨缺损19例,感染性眶骨缺损1例,肿瘤术后下颌骨缺损1例,上颌骨先天发育不全
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我们通过对50例新鲜成人上肢标本进行动脉造影和解剖观察,在此基础上设计并实施了前臂骨间背侧动脉逆行岛状皮瓣移位手术32例,现将围手术期护理体会介绍如下.1 临床资料 本组
Colonic inflammation is required to heal infections, wounds, and maintain tissue homeostasis. As the seventh hallmark of cancer, however, it may affect all phas
Achalasia is the most common primary motility disorder of the esophagus and presents as dysphagia to solids and liquids. It is characterized by impaired degluti