改革课堂教学结构 全面实施素质教育——“三疑一论主体探索教学模式”浅谈

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过去的应试教育,是以升学考试为目的,片面强调升学率。而素质教育是面向全体学生,教给学生学会生活、做人、求知的方式和方法,使学生在德、智、体、美、劳等几个方面都得到有效的教育和发展。在教学过程中应试教育重在“填鸭式”的满堂灌,它忽略了学生的能力培养,使学生的思维受到束缚,不能正常发展。而素质教育则重在启发、鼓励学生创造性地发挥。不同的教学方式,导致的教学效果截然不同。应试教育培养出来的多数是尖子生,谈起书本知识头头是道,而创造性的发明却很少。而素质教育培养出来的是能适应社会时代所需要的各行各业的有用人才。所以面对素质教育的全面实施,改革课堂教学结构是时代的要求,是我们面向新世纪的战略抉择。本人在教学过程中尝试“三疑一论主体探索教学模式”进行教学,极大地鼓励了学生学习的积极性,使学生由厌学变为乐学。模式的基本环节为:设疑——质疑——讨论——存疑。 For the past exam-oriented education, the purpose of entrance examinations was to unilaterally emphasize the enrollment rate. Quality education is a way and method for all students to teach students how to learn to live, to live and to seek knowledge so that students can be effectively educated and developed in moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor fields. In the process of teaching, the emphasis on exam-oriented education lies in the “cramming” style. It neglects the cultivation of students ’abilities, restrains the students’ thinking and can not develop normally. Quality education emphasizes enlightenment and encourage students to creatively play. Different teaching methods lead to different teaching effects. The majority of examination-oriented education is a top student, talking about the book knowledge is the first way, but very few inventive inventions. The quality education is trained to adapt to the social needs of all walks of life useful talents. Therefore, in the face of the full implementation of quality education, the reform of classroom teaching structure is the requirement of the times and the strategic choice we face in the new century. During the teaching process, I try to teach “three doubts and one theory on the main mode of exploration and teaching”, which greatly encourages the enthusiasm of students to learn and makes the students become tired of learning. The basic part of the model is: Set suspect - questioning - discussion - doubt.
为了了解成都地区溃疡病的某些流行病学特点,本文对我院15年中(1975~1989年)经纤维胃镜检查检出消化性溃疡的病例进行研究分析,现将结果报告如下: 方法本组统计分析我院15年
表皮生长因子(EGF)可抑制胃酸、胃蛋白酶的分泌,对胃肠粘膜有营养和细胞保护作用,可促进慢性溃疡的愈合,与其它消化道激素间有复杂的关系。 Epidermal growth factor (EGF)
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笔者于1973~1987年共收治婴幼儿浅部肛周脓肿并肛瘘12例,均行脓肿肛瘘一次性切开,瘘管通过肛管括约肌者行挂线治疗,疗效满意。报告如下。临床资料 1.一般情况本组男性4例,女
8月13日,全省消防部队首家“电脑、英语培训学校”在青岛市崂山区公安消防大队正式挂牌成立。省消防总队刘乾文副政委为学校揭牌。 为解决消防官兵少有机会外出学习的难题,