A simulation-based proposed high-k heterostructure AlGaAs/Si junctionless n-type tunnel FET

来源 :Journal of Semiconductors | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bitbull_cn
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We propose a heterostructure junctionless tunnel field effect transistor(HJL-TFET) using Al Ga As/Si.In the proposed HJL-TFET,low band gap silicon is used in the source side and higher band gap Al Ga As in the drain side.The whole Al Ga As/Si region is heavily doped n-type.The proposed HJL-TFET uses two isolated gates(named gate,gate1) with two different work functions(gate=4.2eV,gate1=5.2eV respectively).The 2-D nature of HJL-TFET current flow is studied.The proposed structure is simulated in Silvaco with different gate dielectric materials.This structure exhibits a high on current in the range of 1.4106Aμm,the off current remains as low as 9.11014Aμm.So I ON/I OFF ratio of ~108is achieved.Point subthreshold swing has also been reduced to a value of ~41 m V/decade for TiO2 gate material. We propose a heterostructure junctionless tunnel field effect transistor (HJL-TFET) using Al Ga As / Si. The proposed HJL-TFET, low band gap silicon is used in the source side and higher band gap Al Ga As in the drain side. The whole AlGaAs / Si region is heavily doped n-type.The proposed HJL-TFET uses two isolated gates (named gate, gate1) with two different work functions (gate = 4.2eV, gate1 = 5.2eV respectively) -D nature of HJL-TFET current flow is studied. The proposed structure is simulated in Silvaco with different gate dielectric materials. This structure exhibits a high on current in the range of 1.4106A μm, the off current remains as low as 9.11014A μm.So I ON / I OFF ratio of ~108 is achieved. Point subthreshold swing has also been reduced to a value of ~ 41 mV / decade for TiO2 gate material.
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