Are dogs good at spotting movement? Velocity thresholds of motion detection in Canis familiaris

来源 :动物学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oihvhuhuiuiui
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The ability to perceive motion is a fundamental property of the visual system,and one of its most basic aspects is the ability to discriminate moving objects from motionless ones,for example,motion detection.Velocity thresholds represent the minimum rate of displacement over time unit that an animal is able to perceive as movement,any slower motion being not discriminable from a still object.Although such topic has grabbed the attention of scientists already at the beginning of the 20th century,the interest has waned in time,and velocity thresholds have thus far been assessed in only a handful of species.
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摘要:大多数农村数学教师是二十三岁以上的成年人,有与人交流的基础和自我表现的欲望;虽然,他们的抽象思维和逻辑推理能力强于其他学科教师,但是,就自身而言,形象思维胜于抽象思维;登台演讲,既可以锻炼教师的胆量,还可以温故而知新,加深对所学知识的理解。所以,暑期培训农村数学教师,要多交流少说教,多讲案例少讲理论,多让他们登台发言少让他们坐着听讲。  关键词:农村数学教师;暑期培训;继续教育  暑假对农村