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殷白,本名张鹤龄,又名张惊秋,1917年出生于浙江省海宁县斜桥镇。自幼家贫,10岁丧父,小学后惨痛失学,到上海一家铜器店当学徒。老板见利忘义,出售吸鸦片烟的用具,他不愿为毒品卖力,愤而回家。 Yin white, his real name Zhang He Ling, also known as Zhang Jingqiu, was born in 1917 in Haining County, Zhejiang Province oblique Town. He was poor at home, lost his father at the age of 10, fell ill after school in primary school, and was apprenticed to a bronze shop in Shanghai. Forget the boss, selling opium smoking equipment, he was reluctant to force the drug, angrily go home.
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