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编前不久前,上海警方破获了一起案值高达50亿元的地下钱庄洗钱案。这是建国以来上海地区查处的最大一起洗钱案。它的成功破获,得益于我国近年来金融系统反洗钱机制的建立。《中华人民共和国反洗钱法》(简称:《反洗钱法》)共七章三十七条。开头的第一条:“为了预防洗钱活动,维护金融秩序,遏制洗钱犯罪及相关犯罪,制定本法。”由此得知,这是一项专门的法律法规。于今年的1月1日起施行。从此我们国家有了一部反洗钱法律,它标志着我国反洗钱工作被纳入法制 Not long ago, Shanghai police cracked a case of money laundering in underground banks with a value of up to 5 billion yuan. This is the largest money laundering case investigated and dealt with in Shanghai since the founding of the People’s Republic. Its success was uncovered, thanks to China’s financial system in recent years, the establishment of anti-money laundering mechanism. The Anti-Money Laundering Law of the People’s Republic of China (“Anti-Money Laundering Law”) consists of seven chapters and 37 articles. At the beginning of the first article: “In order to prevent money-laundering activities, safeguard the financial order, deter money-laundering crimes and related crimes, the enactment of this law.” So that this is a special law and regulation. On January 1 this year will come into effect. Since then, our country has an anti-money laundering law, which marks the incorporation of anti-money laundering in our country into the legal system
对于价格卡特尔行为给消费者造成的损失,不同于一般的民事侵权案件,消费者是否有权起诉,现行法律规定并不明确,存在争议    律师行动    7月26日,郝际广从报纸上看到,包括华龙、白象等在内的多个中低价位方便面品牌即日起统一上调价格。此前,方便面涨价的消息已充斥各大网站。  郝际广身份为石家庄铁道学院法律系教授,也是是河北冀华律师事务所律师,有着20多年的教学与实践经验。凭着职业的敏感,他觉得方便
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Though relatively new to China, EMBA courses are proving a hit with the country’s business leaders“I can feel growing problems in operating my company, and th