发扬优良传统 再创修志佳绩——在山西省新方志工作开展30周年纪念座谈会上的讲话

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(2010年9月29日)今年是山西省地方志办公室成立暨新方志工作开展30周年。山西省作为在全国较早大规模开展社会主义新方志编修的省份,在省委、省政府正确领导下,全省地方志工作取得了巨大成就。可以说,过去的30年,是山西省地方志工作者辛勤耕耘、开拓进取的30年,是山西省编修地 (September 29, 2010) This year marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the office of local chronicles in Shanxi Province and the work of new chronicles. As the province where large-scale editing of the new local chronicles of socialism began in Shanxi Province, Shanxi Province made great achievements in the work of local chronicles under the correct leadership of the provincial party committee and government. It can be said that in the past 30 years, Shanxi provincial gazetteers worked hard and forge ahead for 30 years.
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