Generalized associativity in the Cayley numbers

来源 :The XXIX International Colloquium on Group-Theoretical Metho | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gb1107
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  The Cayley numbers,which are closely related to the exceptional Lie groups,have been applied to Lorentz geometry and supersymmetry.However,the Cayley number is somewhat difficult to deal with,due to the lack of its associativity,where the associativity can be represented by the commutativity between the right multiplication R_x and left multiplication L_y.Here we generalize the associativity of the Cayley numbers by extending the commutator between R_x and L_y.The resultant identity,which is quite different from the Moufang identitiy,depends on the geometrical configuration between x and y.
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