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回顾中国人这100年,大部分时间都没心情玩。30年前终于有心情了,却没钱玩。20年前有钱了,却没地方玩。10年前有地方了,却没时间玩。现在好了,时间、地点全有了,一看,人都老了,腰酸腿疼,没多少机会,抓紧玩吧。去年夏天我去西藏,回来在飞机上遇到一对退休的老夫妻,浑身户外装备。一打听,两个月前他们刚刚完成欧洲游,现在从西藏回来,休整两个月,再去新疆;再休整两个月,去新马泰。老太太说,就担心家里的 Recalling the Chinese this 100 years, most of the time no mood to play. 30 years ago, finally in a mood, but no money to play. 20 years ago, rich, but no place to play. There was a place 10 years ago, but I did not have time to play. Now, time, place all have a look, people are old, backache leg pain, not many opportunities, hurry to play. Last summer I went to Tibet and came back to meet a retired elderly couple in an airplane with all the outdoor equipment. Inquire about them two months ago they had just completed the European tour, and now come back from Tibet, rest for two months, go to Xinjiang; then rest for two months, to the new Matai. The old lady said she worried about her family
Sn thin films have been grown on GaAs (001) single crystal substrates by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The α Sn growth process has been characterized in sit
Rainfall is an important factor to trigger the debris flow.Numerical simulation on the responses of slopes and the initiation of debris flow under rainfall was
Large scale lithosphere thinning is an important characteristic of the destruction of the North China Craton (NCC) during the late Mesozoic. A series of extensi