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消防工作是保卫我国社会主义建设和人民生命财产安全的一项重要措施。几年以来,在各级人民委员会的领导下,实行了“以防为主、以消为辅”的方针,初步开展了群众性的防火工作,整顿了旧有的消防组织,提高了消防民警队伍的灭火战斗能力。在部分消防工作基础较好的城市,较有成效地组织了同火灾的斗争,火灾的发生次数和损失已见减少,取得了一定的成绩。但在另一方面,由于国家社会主义建设的发展,物资财富的不断增长和集中,火源火险的逐渐增多,消防工作的任务也就随之日趋繁重。在这种情况下,由于有些地区和部门对于同火灾的斗争还没有引起应有的重视,在发动和组织群众防火方面,在消防的组织、业务建设和科学技术水平上,都还落后于客观实际的需 Fire protection is an important measure to defend the socialist construction in our country and people’s lives and property. Over the past few years, under the leadership of the people’s committees at all levels, the principle of “taking prevention as the mainstay and taking the consumer as the auxiliary” has been implemented. Initially mass-oriented fire prevention work has been carried out, the old fire-fighting organizations have been rectified and the number of fire- Fire fighting police fire fighting capabilities. In cities with relatively good firefighting infrastructure, the fight against fire has been organized more effectively. The number and losses of fire have been reduced and some achievements have been made. However, on the other hand, due to the development of the national socialist construction, the continuous growth and concentration of material wealth, and the gradual increase in the source of fire and fire, the task of fire protection work will become more and more arduous. Under such circumstances, since some regions and departments have not given due attention to the fight against the fire, they still lag behind the objective in the aspects of fire prevention and organization, business construction and science and technology in mobilizing and organizing the masses of the people The actual needs
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