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为探讨记忆合金支架治疗结、直肠恶性梗阻的疗效及意义 ,对 4 4例结、直肠恶性狭窄导致的急慢性梗阻患者实施了支架置入术。 4 1例患者成功置入 ,有效地恢复了肠腔通畅。长期带支架的 38例患者中现已死亡 33例 ,生存期 5 1~72 0天 ,其他 5例已存活 1~8个月 ,未再发肠梗阻。研究表明 ,记忆合金支架可有效地缓解结、直肠恶性狭窄导致的急慢性梗阻 ,对晚期结、直肠癌以及具有高危手术因素的患者进行永久性姑息治疗 ,避免了肠造口 ,配合化疗和免疫治疗 ,有利于延长患者生存期 ;同时可缓解急性梗阻 ,为肠道准备和择期手术创造条件 ,避免粪便转流及术中灌洗 In order to investigate the efficacy and significance of memory alloy stents in the treatment of malignant mesenteric obstruction of the rectum and the rectum, stent implantation was performed in 44 patients with acute and chronic obstruction resulting from malignant stenosis of the joint and rectum. Successful implantation of 41 patients effectively restored intestinal patency. Among the 38 patients with long-term stenting, 33 cases were dead, the survival period was 51-72 days, and the other 5 cases had survived for 1 to 8 months without intestinal obstruction. Studies have shown that memory alloy stents can effectively relieve acute and chronic obstruction caused by malignant stenosis of the joints and rectum, and provide permanent palliative care for patients with advanced node and rectal cancer as well as patients with high-risk operative factors, avoiding colostomy, combined with chemotherapy and immunity. Treatment can help to prolong the survival of patients; at the same time, it can relieve acute obstruction and create conditions for bowel preparation and elective surgery to avoid fecal diversion and intraoperative lavage.
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目的 研究MDM2基因与国人骨肉瘤和脂肪肉瘤的关系从而了解MDM2基因在肉瘤发生中的作用及其临床意义。方法 用免疫组化方法研究了31例骨肉瘤,2例骨旁骨肉瘤,6例软骨肉瘤,14例