专业英语第七辑 收益途径(二)

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  The income capitalization approach to value consists of methods, techniques, and mathematical procedures that an appraiser uses to analyze a property抯 capacity to generate benefits and convert these benefits into an indication of present value.
  The analysis of cost and sales data is often an integral part of the income capitalization approach, and capitalization techniques are frequently employed in the cost and sales comparison approaches. Capitalization techniques are commonly used to analyze and adjust sales data in the sales comparison approach; in the cost approach, obsolescence is often measured by capitalizing an estimated income loss. The income capitalization approach is described as part of the systematic valuation process, but the various methods, techniques, and procedures used in the approach are general-purpose analytical tools applicable in the valuation and evaluation of income-producing properties.
  The principle of anticipation is fundamental to the income capitalization approach. Value is created by the anticipation of benefits to be derived in the future. All income capitalization methods, techniques, and procedures attempt to consider anticipated future benefits and estimate their present value. This may involve either forecasting the anticipated future income or estimating a capitalization rate that implicitly reflects the anticipated pattern of change in income over time.
  The principle of supply and demand and the related concept of competition are particularly useful in forecasting future benefits and estimating rates of return in the income capitalization approach. The rents charged by the owners of a motel, a shopping center, and office building, an apartment building, or any income-producing property usually do not vary greatly from those charged by owners of competing properties.
  If the demand for a particular type of property exceeds the existing supply, owners may be able to increase rents, The developers may find new construction profitable. Property values may increase until the supply satisfies demand. On the other hand, if the demand for the property is less than the existing supply, rents may decline and vacancy rates may increase. Therefore, to estimate rates of return and forecast future benefits, appraisers consider the demand (both present and anticipated) for the particular type of property and how the demand relates to supply.
  At a given date the conversion into equivalent capital value of net income or a series of net receipts, actual or estimated, over a period.
  In business valuation, the term may refers to the capital struc-
  ture of a business enterprise/entity.
  In business valuation, the term also refers to the recognition of an expenditure as a capital asset rather than a period expense.
  Income-producing properties 具有获利能力的资产
  Principle of anticipation预期原则
  Principle of supply and demand供求原则
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