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4月15日,国家卫生和计划生育委员会、发展改革委、工业和信息化部、财政部、人力资源社会保障部、商务部、食品药品监管总局、中医药局联合召开媒体通气会,宣传、解读日前由国务院医改领导小组研究通过的《关于做好常用低价药品供应保障工作的意见》(以下简称《意见》)。常用低价药品供应不足甚至断供的情况是长期以来存在的老大难问题。2013年下半年以来,不少地区出现治疗甲亢药物甲巯咪唑“一药难求”的现象。为从根本上解决常用低价药品供应不足的问题,多部门协调配合、综合施策,从建立长效机制入手,破解常用低价药品供应保障难题。《意见》对包括一批经典老药在内的常用低价药品从改进价格管理、完善采购办法、建立短缺药品储备、加大政策扶持等方面明确了保障常用低价药品生产供应的政策措施。作为深化医药卫生体制改革的重要内容,在建立比较规范的药品供应保障体系方面 On April 15, the National Health and Family Planning Commission, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Commerce, the State Food and Drug Administration and the Chinese Medicines Agency jointly held a media briefing, The Opinion on Doing Well the Work of Guaranteeing the Supply of Commonly Used Low-priced Drugs (hereinafter referred to as the Opinions) was recently read by the Leading Group for Medical Reform of the State Council recently. Common low-cost drug supply or even off the supply situation is a chronic problem that has existed for a long time. Since the second half of 2013, there has been a phenomenon in many areas for the treatment of hyperthyroidism methimazole. In order to fundamentally solve the problem of insufficient supply of commonly used low-cost drugs, multi-sectoral coordination and comprehensive policy implementation, starting from the establishment of long-term mechanism to solve the commonly used low-cost drug supply security problems. The Opinions clarified policies and measures for ensuring the supply and supply of commonly used low-cost drugs in terms of improving price management, perfecting purchasing methods, establishing a short supply of medicines, and increasing policy support for commonly used low-priced medicines, including a batch of classic old medicines. As an important part of deepening the reform of the medical and health system, establishing a relatively standardized system for guaranteeing the supply of medicines
一 苏联应在世界经济中占有应有的地位,但问题的关键是:怎样才能做到这一点? 战后世界分成两种经济体制的观念,使经互会国家采取了集体的经济孤立政策。实际上,这使它们在技
组建和发展企业集团是调整生产要素存量的重要途径,在增量调节资金有限,其效果也不好的情况下,发展企业集团,有利于带动存量调整,实现专业分工协作和适度规模经营。 近七年
前言 NJ—130汽车后桥半轴油封衬套(图1)热处理后要求椭圆度≤0.20毫米;端面硬度≥HRc50,自从改用45钢材料后,应用一般淬火剂一直达不到技术指标,不是硬度不足,就是变形过量
2007年12月31日至2008年1月6日,李静文在即将毕业于第四届全国京剧研究生班之际举办了汇报演出。35年来,李静文在继承传统的同时,又请老艺术家精雕细琢,取得了 December 31,