
来源 :汽车维护与修理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bluelpower
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作者在分析故障的过程中提到:“制动时水被带入制动管路,不是产生制动失灵的根本原因,必须查明原因,彻底排除故障。”小编认为这样的表述方法不恰当,虽然导致该车制动失灵的直接原因是“制动阀阀门生锈,橡胶皮碗老化,阀门发卡”。但是该车制动失灵的根本原因应该还是“空气干燥器漏气,致使水分进入储气罐”。正是由于空气干燥器漏气,致使水分进入储气罐,在制动系统中有水分存在,才造成制动阀阀门生锈、橡胶皮碗老化,从而造成制动阀阀门发卡,致使制动失灵的。如果制动系统不是有水分存在的话,制动阀阀门也不会生锈,皮碗也不会老化,制动也不会失灵。因此,编者认为,该车制动失灵故障的罪魁祸首就是车辆维护不当或者不到位,造成水分从空气干燥器处进入制动系统。另外,作者在排除故障的时候仅仅是说更换了空气干燥器和制动阀,这样的处理方法,编者也认为不是最完美的,由于水分已经进入了制动系统,因此非常重要的一点应该是对制动系统的水分进行处理后再更换空气干燥器和制动阀。 The author mentioned in the analysis of the failure: “Braking water is brought into the brake pipe, brake is not the root cause of failure, we must identify the cause, completely eliminate the fault.” “Xiaobian think such statements The method is not appropriate, although the direct cause of the car brake failure is ”brake valve rust, rubber bowl aging, valve issuing “. But the root cause of the car brake failure should still be ”Air dryer leaks, resulting in moisture into the gas tank ". It is because of the air dryer leaks, resulting in moisture into the gas tank in the brake system there is moisture in the brake valve to cause the rusty valve, rubber bowl aging, causing the brake valve valve card, resulting in braking Failure. If the brake system is not a moisture presence, then the brake valve will not rust, the cup will not age, the brake will not malfunction. Therefore, the editor believes that the culprit of the car brake malfunction failure is improper vehicle maintenance or not in place, resulting in moisture from the air dryer into the braking system. In addition, the author only said replacing the air dryer and the brake valve when troubleshooting, this approach, the editor also does not think the perfect, because the moisture has entered the braking system, it is very important that the point should be Replace the air dryer and brake valve after the moisture in the brake system is processed.
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