创新工会服务理念 推进人文园区建设——记中关村软件园企业工会联合会主席罗建华

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罗建华曾经是两千余人国企的工会主席,有着40余年的工作经历。谈起转型创建软件园区非公企业工会的话题,他有着深切的感悟。中关村软件园企业工联会主要服务对象是园区无上级主管单位的中小微非公企业。为切实抓好工会系统的组织覆盖和工作覆盖,罗建华亲自走访入驻企业调查摸底,宣传并指导企业建立工会组织。协助企业办理相关建会手续,使企业在建会之初就感受到工会组织的温暖。在处理非公企业工会组织开展活动“横不到边。纵不到底”的困惑问题上,他借助孵化器为企业孵化服务一体化的优势,把工作的触角延伸到所有的非公企业,充分发挥商务楼字工作站“一站多能”的作用。在给企业提供多项服务的同时, Luo Jianhua used to be the trade union chairman of more than two thousand state-owned enterprises with more than 40 years of working experience. He talked about the transformation of the software park to create non-public sector trade union topic, he has a deep sentiment. Zhongguancun Software Park Enterprise Federation of Trade Unions main service targets is the park superordinate competent units of small and medium-sized non-public enterprises. In order to effectively grasp the organizational coverage and work coverage of the trade union system, Luo Jianhua personally visited the resident enterprises to investigate thoroughly and publicized and guided the establishment of trade unions. Assist enterprises to handle the relevant establishment of the formalities, so that enterprises at the beginning of the building feel the warmth of trade unions. In dealing with the perplexity of non-public-owned trade union organizations in carrying out activities such as “cross the border and not in the end”, he used the incubator to integrate business incubation services and extended his work to all non-public enterprises. Give full play to the business building word workstation “a station more able ” role. In providing a number of services to businesses at the same time,
丰泽区按照全国总工会关于开展“农民工入会集中行动”的要求,结合“大众创业、万众创新”新形势,创新工作思路,在泉州市率先推行“联合制、全覆盖”机制,最大限度吸引农民工入会,增强为农民工维权和服务的职能。截至目前,全区已成立25个工会联合会,覆盖企业1796家,吸收农民工入会达3.5万人。丰泽区工会的建设经验得到了各界的高度肯定。  一、“三大模式”助推“联合制、全覆盖”。针对辖区非公企业农民工入会难
作此篇,仅献给本校的数学老师吕伟,谢谢他两年来的教导和鼓励。吕老师,您辛苦了!——题记 In this article, Lv Wei, a math teacher dedicated solely to the school, than
《雨霖铃》是宋词名篇,然而它只是一篇自读课文,提示很详尽,老师不能畅讲,要留给学生自己研读。于是我决定用渲染情景、引起联想的办法导入自读: “词中的情节发生在东京城
有一部电影,叫《惹事生非》──“事”字对吗? 或曰:错了。君不见眼下诸多“高考语文模拟试卷”皆以“惹事生非”为有错别字的成语,说“事”应写成“是”吗? 这就怪了,一部电影的片