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决策权和执行权分离是董事会试点取得的主要成效两年来,董事会试点企业由2005年6月最初的宝钢、神华等7户陆续扩大到了现在的19家。有幸的是,对其中的13家笔者曾有过历时6个月、访谈百人次的调研。调研表明,董事会试点,既符合《公司法》的立法精神,又符合我国企业加快建立现代企业制度的要求,更符合当前中国国有企业改革发展的大方向。 The separation of decision-making power and executive power is the main achievement made by the pilot of the Board of Directors Over the past two years, the pilot board of directors of the Board of Directors has been expanded from 7, including the original Baosteel and Shenhua, in June 2005 to the present 19. Fortunately, there have been 13 of the author who have spent six months, hundreds of interviews with the survey. The survey shows that the pilot board of directors not only meets the legislative spirit of the Company Law but also meets the requirements of our country’s enterprises to speed up the establishment of a modern enterprise system and more in line with the general direction of the reform and development of China’s state-owned enterprises.
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