
来源 :天津教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ttklwoyaosha
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一、六个年级语文教学具体目标的试拟我们常常感觉对于中学六个年级的语文教育,应该有一个具体而明确的目标,使每个任教同人,对于执行自己的工作,有个原则上的依据。因之在本学期开学之初我们国文学科同人,便集中精力,参照教育局印发的国文教学参考文件,各种教育刊物,和本校学生的具体情况,对这个问题加以研究。因当时新教材尚未到达,仅能参考旧有高初中国文教材作一种原则性的拟定,经校长及教导处批准暂为试行。现届学期将终,快到检查工作的时候,并知本市其它各校,有许多同志,对这个问题亦正加以研究,爰将我们试拟的草案笔出,希望大家批评指正,做为我们下学期改正的参考。 First, the six-year language teaching objectives of the simulation We often feel for the sixth grade of secondary education of Chinese language, there should be a specific and clear goal, so that each teach colleagues, for the implementation of their own work, there is a principle in accordance with. Therefore, at the beginning of the semester, our colleagues in the Chinese literature field concentrated their efforts on this issue with reference to the Chinese teaching reference documents issued by the Education Bureau, various educational publications and the specific conditions of our students. At that time, the new textbooks had not yet arrived. Only a reference to the old high-order Chinese textbooks could be made for the formulation of a principle. The approval of the principal and the teaching office was tentatively implemented. At the end of the current semester, approaching the time of inspection, and knowing that there are many other comrades in this Municipality, many of our comrades are examining this issue as well. We will try our best to write out the draft that we are trying to draft and hope everyone will criticize and correct it as We will correct the next semester reference.
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论述了光纤传输光推动传感器的基本原理、主要特性、实现方法及其研究开发的现状与进展. Discusses the basic principle, main characteristics, realization method and re