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1.杏不完全花的类型,根据花芽生育的过程可分为二类五种,即从花芽来看有僵芽小芽二种;从雌蕊的变化可分为雌蕊变褐、短小、退化三种。2.同株内不完全花的着生,基部主枝最多,沿第一主枝上升逐渐减少,以中央领导枝为最少,基部主枝与中央领导枝相差1倍左右。树冠外围少于内部1倍左右。果枝类型上,以短果枝不完全花最少,长果枝最多,中果枝位于二者之间。同一果枝芽的大小和不完全花的数量有异质性的表现。3.花芽的生育过程:正常花前期(3月前)生长慢,后期较快,伴随花芽的生育过程出现不完全花,3月上、中旬是出现不完全花最多的时期,前期以僵芽最多,占不完全花总数的75.3%左右,后期以雌蕊变褐、短小较多,占80%左右。从正常花与不完全花生育过程看,前期二者生长差异较小,后期差异逐渐加大。4.从同节位花芽数量看,一芽者最大,三芽者平均最小,二芽者平均位于二者之间。并且主芽大于副芽。5.不完全花的种类不同,所形成的原因亦异,其克服的方法,应该根据其发生的原因,采取相应的措施。 1 apricot is not completely flower type, according to the process of flower bud growth can be divided into two types of five, namely buds from the bud there are two kinds of small buds; change from the pistils can be divided into pistil brown, short, degenerate three Species. 2. The same strain is not completely spent students, the largest base of the main branches, along the first main branches increased gradually reduced to the central leading branches for the least, the main branch of the base and the central leading branches of a difference of about 1 times. Peripheral crown less than about 1 times the interior. Fruiting branch type, with short fruit branches incomplete flower least, long fruit branch up, fruit branch located between the two. The same fruit bud size and the number of incomplete flowers have heterogeneous performance. 3. Flower buds of the process of fertility: the normal pre-flowering (March) slow growth, the late rapid growth process with flower buds appear incomplete flowers, in March, the middle is the period of incomplete flower appears the most, the early stage of the bud Up to accounting for about 75.3% of the total number of incomplete flowers, pistil brown later, more short, accounting for about 80%. From the normal flower and incomplete flower process, early growth difference between the two small, gradually increased later differences. 4. From the same number of flower buds with the same node, the largest buds, three buds on average the smallest, two buds are located between the two on average. And the main bud is larger than the auxiliary bud. 5. Incomplete flowers of different types, the reasons for the formation is also different, the way to overcome, it should be based on its causes, to take appropriate measures.
1 学术活动与研究rn茶产业是安徽的特色产业,是助农增收的富民产业,省委省政府高度重视,产业发展潜力非常大.在“一带一路”倡议和全面实施乡村振兴战略背景下,中国茶产业迎
影响甜瓜开花的因素很多,研究这些因素对甜瓜栽培和育种工作有很大意义. 由于遗传基础的差异,甜瓜的性型有两性花株、雄花和完全花同株、雌雄同株和雌性株等.我国常见的栽培
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