
来源 :山东农业大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wongbo
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山楂枯梢病普遍发生在我省。河北、辽宁、山西等省也有该病为害。发病后造成当年生果枝花期枯萎,一般枯萎率在15--30%;重者可达48%以上。是威胁山楂生产的重要病害。该病属首次发现。查阅国内外有关资料,皆未见报导。我们于1979--1984年进行了病原鉴定、发病规律及防治方面的研究。鉴定病原为Fusicoccum viticolum.病菌多在6、7月份的雨季侵染二、三年生的果椿,为害枯椿形成病斑,不易向好组织扩展。病菌在此越冬后,次春当山楂抽枝开花期,由于营养物质的大量集中消耗,结果母枝亏损,病斑乘机扩展延深,使当年生果枝基部皮层腐烂,果枝迅速凋枯死亡。在防治上采取加强肥水管理,提高树势为基础,辅以早春喷药铲除病原的综合措施,能有效的控制病害发生。在防治的100多万株中,病梢率由原来的15--30%,下降到3--5%,收到了显著效益。 Hawthorn Shoots commonly occur in our province. Hebei, Liaoning, Shanxi and other provinces also have the disease damage. After the disease caused the fruit blossoms withered, the general wilt rate in 15 - 30%; severe up to 48%. It is an important disease that threatens hawthorn production. The disease is the first discovery. Access to relevant information at home and abroad, have not been reported. In 1979 - 1984, we carried out the pathogen identification, pathogenesis and prevention and treatment research. Identification of the pathogen Fusicoccum viticolum. Most of the bacteria in June and July rains infested two or three year-old fruit Chun, Tsunami damage to the formation of lesions, not easy to good tissue expansion. After the overwintering of the bacteria, the next spring when the Hawthorn shoots flowering, due to the large concentration of nutrients consumption, the results of the parent branch loss, diseased lesion took the opportunity to extend, so that fruit branches at the base cortex decay, fruiting branches quickly withered death. In the prevention and control to take to strengthen the management of fertilizer and water to improve the tree-based, combined with early spring spraying the eradication of the pathogen comprehensive measures to effectively control the disease. In the prevention and treatment of more than 1000000 strains, the rate of the disease from the original 15 - 30%, down to 3 - 5%, received significant benefits.
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