脚踏实地谋求新发展 抓住机遇迎接新挑战

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在经济复苏和行业景气度回升的背景下,上海市锦江航运有限公司紧紧围绕年初制定的“脚踏实地谋求新发展,抓住机遇迎接新挑战”工作思路,上半年不断深化在市场开拓、安全管理、基础管理三方面的工作 In the context of economic recovery and the boom of the industry, Shanghai Jinjiang Shipping Co., Ltd. focused on the work train of thought formulated at the beginning of the year in order to seek new development in a down-to-earth manner and seize the opportunity to meet new challenges. In the first half of the year, Safety management, basic management of the three aspects of work