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“八小时之外”怎样保持党员形象?并不是一个新话题。从两年前吉林一汽集团公司一个中层干部妻子的来信,到今天黑龙江省纪委言实的来信,使我们深感这个问题的重要,这个问题重提的必要。改革开放以来,在“八小时之外”的生活圈里,既丰富多彩又充满了诱惑和考验。而一些党员干部却认为,生活作风是小事,现代点、潇洒点、享受点,没啥了不起。以致去傍大款、迷豪赌、包二奶、养情妇……“八小时之外”沉浸于醉生梦死、荒淫糜烂的生活中。《中共中央关于加强和改进党的作风建设的决定》指出:“生活作风不是小事。”这是我们党对大量惨痛教训的深刻总结。因此,我们想到组织一个“‘八小时之外’怎样保持党员形象”的讨论会。希望通过讨论达到这样两个目的:一是促使广大党员干部常怀律己之心,强化“八小时之外”的自我约束意识;二是促使各级党组织进一步探索对党员“八小时之外”有效监督和管理的方法。欢迎大家踊跃参加。 “Eight hours away” How to maintain the image of party members? Is not a new topic. From the letter from a middle-level cadre of Jilin FAW Group Corporation two years ago to the true letter from the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Heilongjiang Province, we are deeply aware of the importance of this issue and the necessity of revisiting this issue. Since the reform and opening up, in the life circle of “eight hours”, it is full of colorfulness and temptation and test. However, some party members and cadres think that life style is a trifling matter, modern point, smart point, enjoyment point, nothing remarkable. So that to the daddy, gamble, mistresses, mistresses ... ... “eight hours away” immersed in the dream of death, adultery erosion life. The CPC Central Committee’s Decision on Strengthening and Improving the Construction of the Party’s Work Style states: “The style of life is not trivial.” This is our party’s profound summary of a large number of painful lessons. Therefore, we think of organizing a seminar on “How to maintain the image of party members outside eight hours.” It is hoped that the two purposes can be reached through discussion. First, it encourages the majority of party members and cadres to always cherish their own self-restraint and reinforce their self-restraint awareness of “eight hours away.” Second, it is necessary to urge party organizations at all levels to further explore ways and means of “eight hours away” Effective monitoring and management methods. Welcome everyone to participate.
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一、思想作风建设是领导班子建设的灵魂党的作风 ,关系党的形象 ,关系人心向背 ,关系党和国家的生死存亡。党的思想作风建设 ,处于党的作风建设的首位 ,贯穿于党的各项作风建
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