,From Receptor-Like Kinases to Calcium Spikes: What Are the Missing Links?

来源 :分子植物(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xx123999
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As sessile organisms,plants have evolved with complex signaling networks to cope with the constantly changing environment.Receptor-like kinases (RLKs) and calcium both play important roles during the early stage of environmental responses in plants.RLKs are trans-membrane receptor kinases that sense extracellular signals,such as hormones,peptides,and pathogens,and trigger signal transduction pathways leading to cellular responses (Osakabe et al.,2013).Although calcium is a second messenger shared among all eukaryotes,calcium-signaling processes appear particularly important and complex in plant cells (Lecourieux et al.,2006;Batistic et al.,2011).Calcium spikes are results of influx and efflux of Ca2+ mediated by plasma membrane or endomembrane transport proteins.These proteins include channels that facilitate influx of Ca2+ into the cytosol,and pumps or antiporters that move Ca2+ out of the cytosol.Recent studies have revealed connections between RLKs and calcium:activation of RLKs is often accompanied by production of calcium spikes that are essential for further signaling processes.However,the molecular mechanism underlying this connection remains unknown.We discuss here several studies that provide new insights into RLK-induced calcium signaling.
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