
来源 :西南航空 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jodan2008tw
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2013年的第一天,国航西南分公司“蓝色旅途”乘务组在CA4250从三亚前往成都的航班上推出了主题为“客舱披彩新春到喜迎宾客幸福来”的特色机上活动。细心的乘务员们一早就用精心准备的祝福海报把整个客舱布置一新。伴随着喜庆的节日音乐,整个客舱散发出浓浓的节日气氛。“您好,新年快乐!”亲切的登机欢迎词让旅客们备感温馨。餐饮服务后,活动在主持人热情介绍中拉开了序幕。第一个环节是幸运传递。乘务员们在卡片上按旅客登机 The first day of 2013, Air China Southwest Branch “Blue Journey ” crew on the CA4250 flight from Sanya to Chengdu launched the theme for the activity. Careful flight attendants early in the morning with carefully prepared blessing poster layout of the entire cabin. Accompanied by festive music festival, the whole cabin exudes a thick holiday atmosphere. “Hello, Happy New Year! ” The warm greeting at the check-in leaves visitors warm and welcoming. After the food service, the event kicked off in the warm introduction of the host. The first link is lucky. The flight attendants board the passenger on the card
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