新奇特糖葫芦和米皮 四季赚钱快速富起来

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糖葫芦精品多媒体赞誉传口碑近年来,河北省邯郸市峰峰太安北海食品厂厂长索培豪研发和经营的糖葫芦与米皮生意是越来越红火了。索培豪在研究中国传统糖葫芦的基础上,敢为天下先,善于利用现代科技手段,不断向市场推出新奇特糖葫芦系列技术和产品。如他在“索师傅”品牌巧克力脆皮糖葫芦、彩色巧克力脆皮糖葫芦、牛奶酥皮糖葫芦等产品之后,又接连研发推出了“QQ、水晶软糖糖葫芦和玉米糖葫芦系列,新产品更具有特色风味。如今已形成了十多个系列上百个品种的糖葫芦产品,内夹各种果馅,口感酥、脆、酸、甜、香,颇受消费者喜爱,无论是畅销不衰的巧克力脆皮、彩色巧克力脆皮、牛奶酥皮、酥皮系列糖葫芦,还是刚上市的糖葫芦新品种,都以色彩斑斓、晶莹剔透、吃在嘴里、酸软可口、甜而不腻、开胃生津的特色风味而深受消费者,特别是 In recent years, Handan City, Hebei Province, Feng Tai Beihai food factory director Suo Peihao R & D and management of sugar cane and rice business is getting prosperous. Suopao Hao in the study of China’s traditional candied hallowed on the basis of the courage to the world first, good use of modern science and technology means, continue to market a new series of unique candy gourd technology and products. For example, after he launched the series of “QQ, crystal jelly candied fruit and corn syrup series” after the products of “Suo Che Fu” brand chocolate crispy candied fruit, colored chocolate crispy candied fruit, milk pastry syrup and other products, the new product has more special flavor Now it has formed more than 10 series of hundreds of varieties of candied fruit products, with a variety of fruit stuffing, crisp, crisp, sour, sweet, fragrant, popular consumer favorite, whether it is best-selling chocolate crispy skin , Colored chocolate crispy, milk meringue, meringue series of candied fruit, or just the new varieties of candied gourd, are colorful, crystal clear, eat in the mouth, sour and delicious, sweet but not greasy, appetizing Shengjin characteristic flavor and By consumers, especially
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