Status and Functions of Regional Power Grid Corporations

来源 :Electricity | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maqianjin123
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In line with power institutional reform and formation of the state power grid, status and roles of regional power grid corporations experienced several variations and are now being incessantly marginalized and weakened. The reform of turning regional grid corporations into regional headquarters of State Grid Corporation may be a better choice beneficial to group operation, intensive development and precise management. This article can be regarded as the author’s personal opinion. In line with power institutional reform and formation of the state power grid, status and roles of regional power grid bodies are several variations and are now being in underantly marginalized and weakened. The reform of turning regional grid corporations into regional headquarters of State Grid Corporation may be a better choice beneficial to group operation, intensive development and precise management. This article can be regarded as the author’s personal opinion.
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