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海尔用心研究农村的消费需求,建立销售渠道,开辟了广大的农村市场,源于经营理念的超前一步。 2009年3月5日,电脑下乡竞标结果揭晓,海尔电脑15款竞标产品全部入围。在第一轮、第二轮的家电下乡招标中,海尔冰箱、洗衣机、手机等家电产品也取得了很高份额的战绩,海尔整体份额高达42%,其中海尔冰箱更高达52%。早在1996年,海尔就专门针对三四级市场开始建设专卖店渠道。从2000年开始,海尔的物流配送就延伸到全国大多数的县城和乡镇。通过13年的农村需求研 Haier carefully study the consumer demand in rural areas, the establishment of sales channels, opened up vast rural markets, from the business philosophy one step ahead. March 5, 2009, the results of computer competition announced to the countryside, Haier Computer 15 models were all shortlisted. In the first round and the second round of bidding for home appliances to the countryside, Haier refrigerators, washing machines, mobile phones and other home appliances also achieved a high share of the record. The overall share of Haier was as high as 42%, with Haier refrigerators reaching as high as 52%. As early as 1996, Haier specifically for 34 markets began building store channels. Since 2000, Haier’s logistics and distribution have extended to most of the country’s counties and townships. Through 13 years of rural demand research
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法律救济的必要性与可行性 在行政活动中,“一切有权力的人都容易滥用权力,这是万古不易的一条经验”,行政指导虽然不具有法定强制力,但这却不能掩盖它是行政主体的一种权力行为
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download and view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
本文介绍了一种新型仿真转台用叶片式无脉动连续回转电液伺服马达的工作原理 ,并详细地说明了该马达在提高超低速、高频响、宽调速、高精度等性能指标方面所具有的优势 In t