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生物农药Bt8010是世界上应用最广泛的苏云金杆菌的一种菌剂,具有对人畜无毒害,对作物无残留,不污染环境,不杀死害虫天敌,保持生态平衡,促进作物生长等优点。生物农药Bt8010属胃毒剂,当伴孢晶体被害虫吞食后,30分钟不再进食危害作物,24小时害虫开始死亡,48小时达到死亡高峰,72小时达到最高峰。它能防治粮、棉、菜、果等150多种鳞翅目害虫,药效比化学农药提高55%,连续喷施可在田闻形成一个较大的杀虫菌网,尤其对抗性棉铃虫有较好的防治效果。是目前生产无公害粮食、林果、棉花、蔬菜等最为理想的杀虫剂。用于防治下列害虫。必须在卵高峰期使用。 Biopesticide Bt8010 is one of the most widely used Bacillus thuringiensis strains in the world. It has the advantages of no toxicity to humans and animals, no residue to crops, no pollution to the environment, no killing of natural enemies of pests, ecological balance and crop growth. Biopesticide Bt8010 is a stomach poison. When the parasporal crystal is swallowed by pests, no harmful crops will be consumed for 30 minutes. The 24-hour pest will die, the peak will be reached in 48 hours and the peak will be reached in 72 hours. It can control more than 150 Lepidoptera pests such as grain, cotton, vegetable and fruit. Its efficacy is 55% higher than that of chemical pesticides. Continuous spraying can form a larger insecticidal network in Tianwen, especially the resistant cotton bollworm Have better control effect. Is currently producing pollution-free food, fruit, cotton, vegetables and other the most ideal insecticide. For the control of the following pests. Must be used during egg peak.
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[摘要] 农村城市化作为实现城乡经济社会统筹协调发展、全面建设小康社会奋斗目标的重要途径,在这个过程中存在着诸多不稳定因素。如何在此过程中兼顾农民的利益,对于增强群众对公共权威机构的信任、扩大国家政权的合法性基础乃至维持社会的稳定,起着至关重要的作用。  [关键词] 农村城市化; 党群关系; 社会稳定   [中图分类号] F291 [文献标识码] A [文章编号]