
来源 :机床与液压 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:relaxfor
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据有关资料介绍,分流一集流问是用作液压同步控制的一种同步控制元件。应国外用户要求我们所设计了一种剪叉式液压举开设备,在考虑设备上升和下降的同步问题时,选用厂K春液压件厂生产的自调式分流一集流间作为系统中的同步控制阀。但使用中发现,该阀根本起不到同步控制作用 According to the relevant information, a flow diversion flow is used as a synchronous control of hydraulic control components. Should be requested by foreign users we have designed a scissor hydraulic lift equipment, taking into account the synchronization of equipment rise and fall, the use of plant K spring hydraulic plant production of self-tuning shunt a collector as a synchronization system Control valve. However, found in use, the valve simply can not achieve the role of synchronization control
无机酸和有机酸用于油气增产已有 10 0多年的历史。在长裸眼水平井段 ,大量井壁裸露 ,酸液很容易消耗在首先接触或者反应剧烈的地层 ,从而过早地消耗或者消耗在少部分井段。
在长期反复发作的慢性化脓性中耳炎(CSOM)或胆脂瘤型中耳炎,面神经管骨质鼓室段最易受累,与下列因素有关:面神经管此部常有裂隙;其骨壁极薄;病理过程最常局 In the chronic
【正】 On April 13th,Bridgestone Corporation announced that,in response to the expected medium-to-long term in-crease in demand for radial passenger tires in th
Dear Editor,The discovery that the mobile colistin resistance gene(mcr-1)is encoded by plasmids and is prevalent in food animals and human beings worldwide(Hasm
In this work, the effect of solid soluble temperature, cold treating temperature and ag-ing temperature on the mechanical properties of 0Cr12Mn5Ni4Mo3Al had be