A Ka-band low-noise amplifier with a coplanar waveguide(CPW)structure with 0.15-μm GaAs pHEMT techno

来源 :半导体学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cynosure
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This investigation explores a low-noise amplifier(LNA) with a coplanar waveguide(CPW) structure,in which a two-stage amplifier is associated with a cascade schematic circuit,implemented in 0.15-μm GaAs pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistor(pHEMT) technology in a Ka-band(26.5-40.0 GHz) microwave monolithic integrated circuit(MMIC).The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed LNA has a peak gain of 12.53 dB at 30 GHz and a minimum noise figure of 3.3 dB at 29.5 GHz,when biased at a V_(ds) of 2 V and a V_(gs) of -0.6 V with a drain current of 16 mA in the circuit.The results show that the millimeter-wave LNA with coplanar waveguide structure has a higher gain and wider bandwidth than a conventional circuit.Finally,the overall LNA characterization exhibits high gain and low noise,indicating that the LNA has a compact circuit and favorable RF characteristics.The strong RF character exhibited by the LNA circuit can be used in millimeter-wave circuit applications. This investigation explores a low-noise amplifier (LNA) with a coplanar waveguide (CPW) structure, in which a two-stage amplifier is associated with a cascade schematic circuit, implemented in 0.15-μm GaAs pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistor in a Ka-band (26.5-40.0 GHz) microwave monolithic integrated circuit (MMIC). The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed LNA has a peak gain of 12.53 dB at 30 GHz and a minimum noise figure of 3.3 dB at 29.5 GHz, when biased at a V ds ds of 2 V and a V gs of -0.6 V with a drain current of 16 mA in the circuit. The results show that the millimeter-wave LNA with coplanar waveguide structure has a higher gain and wider. bandwidth than a conventional circuit. Finally, the overall LNA characterization exhibits high gain and low noise, indicating that the LNA has a compact circuit and favorable RF character exhibited by the LNA circuit can be used in millimeter-wave circuit applications .
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