Fosmid library construction and screening for the maize mutant gene Vestigial glume 1

来源 :The Crop Journal | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cerfa
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The maize mutant gene Vestigial glume 1(Vg1) has been fine-mapped to a narrow region by map-based cloning and the candidate gene for Vg1 spanned 19.5 kb. Here we report Vg1 genomic fosmid library construction and screening. The fosmid library of Vg1 consisted of574,000 clones with an average insert size of 36.4 kb, representing 7.9-fold coverage of the maize genome. Fosmid stability assays indicated that clones were stable during propagation in the fosmid system. Using Vg1 candidate gene-specific primers, a positive clone was successfully identified. This discovery will pave the way for identifying the function of Vg1 in maize development. The maize mutant gene Vestigial glume 1 (Vg1) has been fine-mapped to a narrow region by map-based cloning and the candidate gene for Vg1 spanned 19.5 kb. Here we report Vg1 genomic fosmid library construction and screening. The fosmid library of Vg1 consisted of 574,000 clones with an average insert size of 36.4 kb, representing 7.9-fold coverage of the maize genome. Fosmid stability assays indicated that clones were stable during propagation in the fosmid system. Using Vg1 candidate gene-specific primers, a positive clone was successfully identified. This discovery will pave the way for identifying the function of Vg1 in maize development.
Crop biofortification is a sustainable approach for fighting micronutrient malnutrition in the world. The estimation of variance components in genetically broad
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