
来源 :四川精神卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:falaong
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本文分析广州战区精神疾病的流行学调查资料,重精神病抽样10030人,总患病率为3.19‰(陆军3.95‰、海军2.11‰、空军1.28‰);现患病率为1.90‰(陆军1.97‰、海军2.11‰、空军1.28‰);神经症抽样1939人,患病率为26.82‰(陆军19.37‰、海军42.98‰、空军40‰);创伤后应激障碍的患病率为7.74‰(陆军6.98‰、海军为5.08‰、空军13.33‰)。心理卫生测查SCL-90结果与全国常模基本一致,性格特征E、P、Q测查结果E分高于全国常模,N分低于全国常模;本调查为广州战区精神疾病的防治工作提供了重要参考资料。 This article analyzes the prevalence of mental illness in Guangzhou theater survey data, 10030 people with severe mental illness samples, the overall prevalence was 3.19 ‰ (Army 3.95 ‰, Navy 2.11 ‰, Air Force 1.28 ‰); the current illness The rate was 1.90 ‰ (1.97 ‰ for the army, 2.11 ‰ for the navy and 1.28 ‰ for the Air Force); 1939 were neurological samples with a prevalence of 26.82 ‰ (19.37 ‰ for the Army and 42 for the Navy). 98 ‰, and the Air Force 40 ‰). The prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder was 7.74 ‰ (Army: 6.98 ‰, Navy: 5.08 ‰, Air Force: 13.33 ‰). Mental health survey SCL-90 results consistent with the national norm, personality traits E, P, Q test results E higher than the national norm, N points lower than the national norm; the survey for the prevention and treatment of mental illness in Guangzhou theater Work provides an important reference.
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