Risk factors for hamstring injuries in Australian male professional cricket players

来源 :Journal of Sport and Health Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:FOFOXX
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Background:Injuries to the hamstring are relatively common in professional cricketers(as they are in many team sports) and have increased in incidence in the “T20 era”(introduction of 20-over matches) of cricket since 2006.Methods:This study analyzed incidence of hamstring injury in the various elite male match types over a 20-year period(1995–1996 to 2014–2015seasons).Risk factors for hamstring strain were assessed using a multivariate logistic regression analysis technique.Results:There were 276 match time-loss hamstring injuries recorded over a 20-year period at the Australian state or national player level,of which170 occurred in one of 40,145 player match sets.The overall rate of match onset rate was 22.5 hamstring injuries per 1000 team days.Fast bowling onset injuries were the highest subcategory at a rate of 10.9 injuries per 1000 team days,although batting onset injuries were particularly common in 50-over(one day) international matches.Significant risk factors in logistic regression analysis,in addition to hamstring injury history,were being a fast bowler relative risk(RR) 2.5(95% confidence interval(CI):1.3–4.5) and playing a match in Australia RR 2.3(95%CI:1.3–3.9).Conclusion:Fast bowlers suffer more hamstring injuries than other playing roles in cricket,particularly in First Class(multi-day) cricket.Batsmen are more likely to get injured in 50-over(one day) cricket.Playing in Australia(compared to overseas venues) leads to increased risk of hamstring injury. Background: Injuries to the hamstring are relatively common in professional cricketers (as they are in many team sports) and have increased in incidence in the “T20 era” (introduction of 20-over matches) of cricket since 2006.Methods: This study analyzed incidence of hamstring injury in the various elite male match types over a 20-year period (1995-1996 to 2014-2015 seasons) .Risk factors for hamstring strain were assessed using a multivariate logistic regression analysis technique. Results: There were 276 match time-loss hamstring injuries recorded over a 20-year period at the Australian state or national player level, of which170 occurred in one of 40,145 player match sets. Overall rate of match onset rate was 22.5 hamstring injuries per 1000 team days. Fast bowling onset injuries were the highest subcategory at a rate of 10.9 injuries per 1000 team days, although batting onset injuries were particularly common in 50-over (one day) international matches. Significant risk factors in logist ic regression analysis, in addition to hamstring injury history, were being a fast bowler relative risk (RR) 2.5 (95% CI: 1.3-4.5) and playing a match in Australia RR 2.3 3.9) .Conclusion: Fast bowlers suffer more hamstring injuries than other playing roles in cricket, particularly in First Class (multi-day) cricket.Batsmen are more likely to get injured in 50-over (one day) cricket.Playing in Australia ( compared to overseas venues) leads to increased risk of hamstring injury.
一天,偶然看到刊登在《桂林晚报》上讲的云南某山区一位民办教师每年以三百多斤玉米作薪酬,默默无闻地在教育岗位上工作了12年的感人事迹,我边看边流泪,想起了48年前自己在本县白沙镇佛岩村老家办耕读小学时的一幕幕情景……  那是1964—1966年的艰苦年代,那时实行的是生产队集体劳动模式,用工分计算劳动报酬,效率低,收入少,连年缺衣少食,加上妇女无限生育,子女众多,温饱都尚未解决,家长们难以顾及孩子的