Deriving glacier border information based on analysis of decorrelation in SAR interferometry

来源 :Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cheney0105
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Variations of glaciers are important parameters for monitoring glacial change. Although optical remote sensing method can extract variations of glaciers effectively and accurately in cloudless regions, these variations are difficult to extract in cloudy conditions and bad weather. In this paper, a new method is presented, based on the decorrelation of repeat SAR interferometry, to extract the variations of glaciers. This method uses the decorrelation of the inland glacier’s surface to extract the variation of glacier by comparing the coherence of the glacier and land cover in threshold values. For validation of this method, we compared classification results with that derived from TM images. An accuracy of better than 89% can be achieved if we consider the classification result from TM image as the ground truth. Results show that this method provides an effective way to identify icy areas from the coherent image. Variations of glaciers are important parameters for monitoring glacial change. Although this paper, a new method is presented , based on the decorrelation of repeat SAR interferometry, to extract the variations of glaciers. This method uses the decorrelation of the inland glacier’s surface to extract the variation of glacier by comparing the coherence of the glacier and land cover in threshold values. For validation of this method, we compared classification results with that derived from TM images. An accuracy of better than 89% can be achieved if we consider the classification result from TM image as the ground truth. Results show that this method provides an effective way to identify icy areas from the coherent image.
摘要:在隧道工程的施工中,拱脚的固定施工是很重要的一个工艺步骤。对于软弱围岩地质条件下采用台阶法进行隧道施工,拱脚的稳定性更需要认真的对待。作为一名隧道工程的参与者,对软弱围岩隧道台阶法施工中影响拱脚稳定性的因素进行细致分析,结合相关专业人员的指导给出软弱围岩铁路隧道台阶法施工中拱脚稳定性的控制技术,希望能为相关隧道的建设提供参考,为我国铁路隧道工程的建设水平提升做出一点贡献。   关键词:软弱围
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