梁小明 青春无悔

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梁小明,1974年3月生,1994年11月加入中国共产党,1996年7月毕业于山西农业大学林学系,2006年12月获农业推广硕士学位。曾任山西省关帝林局孝文山林场技术员,关帝林局党委办干事(期间任局团委专职副书记),关帝林局行政办公室副主任,现在任关帝山国有林管理局白虎岭林场场长。在其担任场长其间,白虎岭林场连续五年被评为局“先进单位”,而且连续五年综合考核名列全局第一。2003年6月和2006年6月被省林业厅评为“先进基层党组织”,2004年林场工会被评为省厅“先进工会组织”;2005年被省厅评为“行风评议工作先进集体”。2005年9月在山西省委、省政府召开的全省天保工程中期总结表彰大会上,被评为全省“天然林保护工程先进单位”。梁小明场长也被山西省劳动竞赛委员会荣记一等功。2006年,荣获第四届全国十大国有林场管理奖称号。 Liang Xiaoming, born in March 1974, joined the Communist Party of China in November 1994, graduated from Forestry Department of Shanxi Agricultural University in July 1996, and obtained a master’s degree in agricultural extension in December 2006. Former Shanxi ProvinceGuilinCity XiaowenShan forest technician, Guanting Bureau of Party committee secretary (during any of the Communist Youth League full-time deputy secretary), deputy director of the administrative office of Guandi Forestry Bureau, and now served as Guan Ti Shan Bai Lin Forest Farm Director. In its term as field director, White Tiger Ridge Farm for five consecutive years been rated as “advanced unit”, and five consecutive years of comprehensive assessment ranked first in the world. June 2003 and June 2006 by the Provincial Forestry Department as “advanced grass-roots party organizations” in 2004, the Forestry Bureau was named the provincial hall “advanced trade union organizations” in 2005 by the provincial Department as “the work of advanced assessment collective”. September 2005 in Shanxi provincial Party committee, provincial government held a mid-term summary of the project Tianrong recognition ceremony, was named the province’s “advanced unit of natural forest protection project.” Liang Xiaoming field director has also been the first prize in Shanxi Province Labor Competition Commission. In 2006, won the Fourth National Top Ten State Forest Management Award.
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