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  Corinne Bailey Rae: Like A Butterfly
  莺歌燕舞,摇滚电音,听得久了,会不会忽然觉得有点索然无味,甚至令你浮躁不安?记得还是大学那会听电台的音乐节目,偶然听到了Norah Jones那舒缓感性的嗓音,才知道原来有一种音乐可以让人充分享受铅华洗尽的闲适与安静。喜欢爵士乐带来的那种慵懒沧桑而又玩味深沉的感觉,喜欢爵士歌手们朦胧忧郁地浅吟低唱。
  当我第一次听Corinne Bailey Rae的成名曲Like A Star时,脑海里马上蹦出一个词——慵懒!不想再赘言赞美她如泉水般舒服自然清澈的嗓音,因为于我而言,Corinne最吸引我的就是这种慵懒洒脱的感觉。恬淡不加任何修饰的嗓音,可以让你在一个休闲的周末细细聆听一下午,你阻塞的耳朵将得到彻底冲洗,重新呼吸到音乐的本质。
  Corinne Bailey Rae: this singer/song writer
  thought her voice wasn’t big enough to be heard, but she found a way to get the world to listen.
  Bob Miller, manager for Corinne Bailey Rae, 1)laments the singer didn’t get noticed by record companies when she was 17.
  “That smile of hers 2)was behind every song she sang 10 years ago,” Bob said, “The music industry is so blind to those things. They’re so 3)obsessed with 4)packaging, with direction. Nine years ago, a major record company should have gone, ÔYou know what, Bob? Let’s get this first record 5)out of the way because she’s going to be great.’”
  Now, unlike a decade ago, Rae can 6)arguably be described as the biggest new artist. She 7)debuted at No. 1 on the U.K. charts in 2006, making her the third female artist to do so in history.
  And unlike so many U.K. artists 8)from Robbie Williams on down, she’s made an immediate impact in the United States. She’s said that every country 9)likens her to an artist from that region and she’s amused by it. Here in the States, the common 10)comparisons are 11)Norah Jones and 12)Billie Holiday.
  Her self-titled debut CD was released earlier last year in Bri-tain and shot straight to No. 1. The first singles, Like a Star and Put Your Records On, which she wrote and co-wrote 13)respectively, are 14)gems. A smooth 15)jazzy start sets the pace for a romantic and emotionally fulfilling listen. Corinne Bailey has a sweet schoolgirl voice in Like a Star and her 16)range goes from 17)vulnerable to powerfully sexy in Put Your Records On. It’s her voice that floats up effortlessly, full of 18)tenderness, 19)subtlety and the very purest quality that is the star. Her music has drawn all kinds of comparisons, but Rae is firmly resolved to find her own musical path.
  Bailey Rae has been interested in making her own music since she was 15, when she started an 20)indie-rock band called Helen with friends from school in her native England.
  The name may have been 21)prosaic, but local success quickly led to an offer of a deal from the home of 22)Slipknot, 23)Roadrunner Records. But just before they signed, the band’s 24)bassist unexpectedly fell 25)pregnant, 26)scuppering Helen’s dreams and sending Bailey Rae back to the everyday realities of studying for a degree in English and, more 27)pertinent to her music career, working part-time as a 28)cloakroom 29)attendant in a jazz club. There, eventually, she began to take turns on the stage herself.
  Bailey Rae’s musical journey may have been a 30)winding one, but it helped to 31)nurture her into something quite special.
  Many women have claimed Bailey Rae’s first single off her 32)album, Put Your Records On, as an 33)anthem for themselves, something that shocks her.
  “I’m happy that people feel that way about the song,” she says. “I think it’s something I wish someone had said to me when I was a lot younger. You can spend a lot of years trying to fit in with everybody, that’s what the song’s about, the more you try and fit in with everyone, the more they change. They’ll 34)be on to something else as soon as you’ve caught up with whatever the 35)in thing is, so it’s much easier, it’s kind of better, to just be yourself and to enjoy that.”
  It seems that Bailey Rae has come around at just the right time; the pop charts have switched from 36)manufactured pop 37)tartlets (like Britney Spears) to more singer/songwriters (such as Bailey Rae, and fellow Brit, 38)KT Tunstall). Bailey Rae says being in music for as long as she has, she recognizes that popular music seems to be a 39)cyclical machine, and that this time, she just happened to be doing the right kind of music when the wheel turned to singer/songwriters again.
  The feeling of success is still new to Corinne Bailey Rae, but even had it never arrived, she says she would still be singing.
  “I think I love music, and even if I hadn’t become real well-known and the album hadn’t done so well, I would still do music,” the British soul singer tells.
  “The success doesn’t scare me because I feel like I’ve been involved in music for a long time now. I guess it puts quite a bit of pressure on my second album, coming both from others and from myself, but I’m trying not to see it like that. I never put pressure on myself for this record. I just wanted it to be as good as it could be.”
  “10年前,她为自己唱的每首歌绽放笑容。” 鲍勃说,“但唱片界对这些却熟视无睹。他们只关注包装和潮流。9年前,理应有一家大型唱片公司这样说,‘鲍勃啊,不如让我们为她制作第一张与众不同的唱片吧,她一定会脱颖而出的。’”



一年有四季,岁月有寒暑,似乎再正常不过,虽然偶尔也会惊叹时光的流逝,却从未认真体会季节的变迁,直到某一天恍然大悟,原来四季早已融入了我们的生命。  只有经历了春的生机盎然,才能有秋的累累硕果;若非体会过冬的肃静萧杀,怎会怀念夏的激情澎湃?假如自然没有四季,生活何其苍白,感受不到任何细微的变迁,只能茫然地度过相似的每一天。  而人生亦如四季。童年的记忆繁花似锦,甜美如三月的春风;年轻的世界生命绽放,
I’m a good man,  A man who tries to embody old-fashion values  Like respect, honesty and trust  I am to many a role model  Someone to admire   I often fight with my 1)demons  I usually win with though
For 52 years my father would get up every morning at 5:30 a.m., except on Sundays, and went to work. For 52 years he would return home at 5:30 p.m., 1)like clockwork, and would have dinner at 6:00 p.m
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