
来源 :癌症 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangyanmin2008
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Background and Objective: Surgery is the main therapy for patients with stage-ll non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), but patients still have an unsatisfactory prognosis even though complete resection is usually possible. Adjuvant chemotherapy provides low rates of clinical benefit as well. We retrospectively analyzed prognostic factors of patients with completely resected stage-ll NSCLC to find patients with unfavorable factors for proper management. Methods: Clinical data of 220 patients with complete resections of stage-ll NSCLC at the Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center between January 1998 and December 2004 were retrospectively analyzed. Cumulative survival was analyzed by the Kaplan-Meier method and compared by log rank test. Prognosis was analyzed by the Cox proportional hazards model. Results: The overall 3- and 5-year survival rates were 58.8% and 47.9%, respectively. The 3- and 5-year disease-free survival rates were 45.8% and 37.0%, respectively. Of the 220 patients, 86 (39.1%) had recurrence or metastasis. A univariate analysis demonstrated that age (> 55 years), blood type, the presence of symptoms, chest pain, tumor volume (> 20 cm3), total number of removed lymph nodes (≥10), number of involved N1 lymph nodes (≥3 ), total number of removed N2 lymph nodes (> 6), and the ratio of involved N1 lymph nodes (≥35%) were significant prognostic factors for 5-year survival. In the multivariate analysis, age (> 55 years), chest pain, tumor volume (> 20 cm3), total number of removed lymph nodes (≥10), and number of involved N1 lymph nodes (≥ 3) were independent prognostic factors for 5-year survival. Conclusions: For patients with completely resectable stage-ll NSCLC, having > 55 years, presenting chest pain, tumor volumes > 20 cm3, and ≥ 3 involved N1 lymph nodes were adverse prognostic factors, and ≥ 10 removed lymph nodes was a favorable one. Patients with poor prognoses might be treated by individual adjuvant therapy for better survival.
目的 探讨抗病毒治疗对低病毒载量的乙型肝炎相关慢加急性肝衰竭(ACLF)患者转归的影响.方法 352例乙型肝炎相关ACLF患者,其中低病毒载量组175例、高病毒载量组177例,各组分为
目的 初步了解骨髓间充质干细胞(MSC)移植对烟雾吸入性损伤兔外周血主要炎症因子和肺水质量分数以及肺组织损伤的影响. 方法 取16只成年新西兰大耳白兔制成烟雾吸入性损伤模
目的 探讨内在和外在认知负荷对帕金森病患者步态的影响差异.方法 8名帕金森病患者和6名健康对照受试者完成负载外在的听觉认知负荷和负载内在的认知负荷下的步态测试.采用三
目的 探讨早期乳酸清除率对重症慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者的临床意义.方法 选取COPD合并呼吸衰竭住院患者108例进行前瞻性观察研究,根据患者病情转归分为存活组82例、死亡