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苗族是我国分布较广、人口众多的少数民族。在20世纪上半叶,苗族中基督教信仰曾经势头强盛,影响很大,并产生了苗语圣经译本。它不仅第一次为苗族创制了本民族文字——柏格里字母和胡致中注音字母,而且还翻译出版了苗语多种方言的24种圣经译本,即花苗、川苗、黑苗的圣经译本;不仅有圣经单篇,而且还有《新约全书》全译本,这是西南少数民族中非常少见的现象。苗文字的创制意味着从此结束了千百年来口耳相传、结绳记事的原始文化状态,增强了民族文化意识以及民族的自尊心和凝聚力。 Miao is a widely distributed and populous minority in our country. In the first half of the twentieth century, Miao Christianity had gained strength and influence, and produced a Hmong Bible translation. It not only created the first national script for the Miao nationality - the Berger letter and the Huzizhong phonetic alphabet, but also translated and published 24 kinds of Bible translations of Hmong in various dialects, namely the translated versions of the scriptures of Hua Miao, Chuan Miao, and He Miao ; Not only a single bible, but also the New Testament full translation, which is a very rare phenomenon among Southwestern ethnic minorities. The creation of Miao literary means that from the end of thousands of years since the word of mouth, ending the original cultural status of the notes, enhance national cultural awareness and national pride and cohesion.
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