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大别山高压、超高压变质期后构造格架的最显著特征是以罗田片麻岩穹隆为核部的多层伸展拆离滑脱带的发育,并由它们将超高压变质单元、高压变质单元和蓝闪-绿片岩单元分隔成垂向叠置的席状岩片,类似于变质核杂岩的基本结构样式.这种伸展构造格架制约了高压、超高压岩石的展布,而在较大榴辉岩体中保存的缩短或挤压组构则是以高压、超高压变质作用为标志的陆-陆碰撞事件的记录.正确地区分挤压组构与伸展组构是识别大别造山带内高压、超高压变质岩形成与折返动力学过程的关键之一.有迹象表明,在高压、超高压变质岩的折返和抬升过程中伴随有较大规模的部分熔融作用,它所反应的热状态的变化,是促使地壳由挤压体制向伸展体制转换的重要因素之一.大别山高压、超高压变质期后大规模地壳尺度的伸展和抬升,以及相伴的深熔或部分熔融作用很可能与地幔或下地壳的拆沉和岩浆的底侵作用有关. The most prominent feature of the tectonic framework after the high pressure and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism in the Dabie Mountains is the development of the multistage extensional detachment and detachment zone with the Luotian gneiss dome as the core. These ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic units, high-pressure metamorphic units and The blue flash-greenschist unit is divided into vertically superimposed sills, similar to the basic structural styles of metamorphic core complexes. The extensional tectonic framework restricts the distribution of high-pressure and extra-high pressure rocks. The shortened or squeezed structures preserved in larger eclogite bodies are continental-continental collisions marked by high-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism Record of events. Correctly distinguishing between compressional and extensional structures is one of the keys to recognize the formation and reentry kinetics of high-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks in the Dabie orogen. There are some indications that large-scale partial melting occurs during the reentry and uplifting of high-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks, and the change of the thermal state it reflects is an important factor in the transformation of the crust from the compression system to the extension system one. The extension and uplifting of large-scale crustal scales after the HGP and EHP metamorphism, and the associated deep-melting or partial melting, are likely to be related to the delamination of the mantle or the lower crust and the underplating of the magma.
Point从1992年到2014年,音乐人米歇尔·昆策(Michael Kunze)和西尔维斯特·里维(Sylvester Levay)合作的德语音乐剧《伊丽莎白》改了又改,演了又演,转眼已从维也纳走到世界各
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综述了 SO42 -/ Mx Oy 型固体超强酸的制备及其在催化酯化反应研究领域的应用进展 ,提出了应注意的问题 The preparation of SO42 - / MxOy solid superacid and its applic