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由J.Barnes等人建立起来的幂律谱噪声模型,在国际上已经公认并广泛应用。如何确定噪声模型在精密频率源的统计分析工作中是一个重要课题。应用时域阿仑(Allan)方差与幂律谱噪声模型的关系,可以区分调相噪声,调频白噪声,调频闪交噪声和频率随机游动噪声。但不能区别调相白噪声和调相闪变噪声。 J.Rutman于1974年提出用带通滤波方差区别调相白噪声和调相闪变声噪。 C.Audoin等人于1979年指出用K_a(阿仑方差估计值不确定系数)来识别调相白噪声和调相闪变噪声的可能性。 本文提出的是一种利用频率起伏的自相关系数法来区分噪声模型的新途径,并与上述两种方法进行了比较, The power spectrum noise model established by J. Barnes and others has been widely accepted and widely used in the world. How to determine the noise model in the statistical analysis of precision frequency source is an important issue. The relationship between Allan variance and power law spectral noise model can be used to distinguish phase modulation noise, FM white noise, FM flashing noise and frequency random walk noise. However, it is impossible to distinguish phase modulation white noise and phase modulation flicker noise. J.Rutman proposed in 1974 the use of band-pass filter variance phase modulation white noise and phase modulation flicker noise. C.Audoin et al. (1979) pointed out the possibility of identifying phase modulation white noise and phase modulation flicker noise with K_a (the variance of the Aaron variance estimation). This paper presents a new way to distinguish the noise model by using the frequency-dependent autocorrelation coefficient method. Compared with the above two methods,
本文描述一种采用传统的葡萄修剪结果母枝的整形方法,此法不同于以往报道的短枝修剪法。本试验园因地决小,仅作为一种观察性试验.材料和方法1980年,将无核白葡萄无性系 H 5
唐县仁厚镇乡小王京村林果专业户王山子,根据枣树蘖苗只有一条“拐棍”根,移栽后成活率低的弱点,经过多年摸索实践,总结出了枣苗原地催根新方法,效果很好。 枣苗原地催根的具