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编者按:台湾省工业技术研究所副所长徐嘉铭1987年8月在南斯拉夫举行的国际生产工程研究学会(CIRP)年会上发表了一篇题为《A Turning Mini CIM System》的文章。现译出转载,以飨读者,使读者能从中了解目前台湾省在CIM方面的发展水平。CIM是当前国际上生产工程领域高技术的集中标志,各工业发达国家研究开发竞争的热点。关于 CIM,目前尚未有一明确定义,其确切含义,究竟应该包括些什么内容,才称得上是CIM系统,都还没有定论。有的理解为是向未来工厂全盘自动化的发展过程。这样就把 CIM看成是一个动态的概念。随着研究开发的进展,其内容还在扩展,研究开发的实践达到不同层次深度,对其理解也不一样。这里所谓 Mini CIM System主要的硬件设备只是一台 16位微机和一台车削中心。对CIM而言,小型都称不上,所以译成“微型”。其确切内含就不必深究了。专题评述 Editor’s note: Xu Jiaming, deputy director of the Taiwan Institute of Industrial Technology, published an article entitled “A Turning Mini CIM System” at the annual meeting of the International Society of Manufacturing Engineering Research (CIRP) held in Yugoslavia in August 1987. Now translated and reproduced in order to readers, so that readers can learn from the current Taiwan Province in CIM level of development. CIM is a concentrated sign of high-tech in the field of production engineering in the world at present, and a hot spot in research and development competition of all industrialized countries. About CIM, there is not yet a clear definition of the exact meaning of what exactly should be included in what is called the CIM system, are not conclusive. Some understood as a process of overall automation of the factory of the future. This views CIM as a dynamic concept. With the progress of research and development, its content is still expanding, and the practice of research and development reaches the depth of different levels and its understanding is different. The main hardware of Mini CIM System here is just a 16-bit microcomputer and a turning center. For CIM, small can not be called, so translated as “miniature.” Its exact meaning does not need to be explored. Special comment
71.Many thanks.多谢。 72.Thank you very much indeed.实在太谢谢了。 73.Thank you so much.十分感谢。 74.Don’t mention it.哪儿的话。 75.Not at all.不用谢(表示不
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铜合金铸件产量L簟位:t)┏━━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━┓┃ 种类 ┃ 1986 ┃┣━━━━━━━━╋━━━━━━┫┃ 铜 ┃ 5534 ┃┃ 青铜 ┃ 62024 ┃┃ 黄铜 ┃ 1747l
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该剧根据著名作家杜鹏程的同名小说改编。全景式地展现了60年前发生在陕甘宁地区的一场影响中国革命历史进程的战争,展现了以毛泽东为首的党中央运筹帷幄, The play is base
天津市电焊机厂研制成功的NBC8—250逆变CO_2焊机,于1987年11月6日在天津市机械管理局主持召开的鉴定会上通过鉴定。鉴定会认为这种焊机不但具备一般CO_2焊机 Tianjin weld