Study on Cracking Tendency and Mechanism of Gray Cast Iron Laser Cladding

来源 :材料热处理学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yaozhongli00
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In this paper, NiCrSiB and CoWC35 powder has been used in laser cladding of gray cast iron. The cracking tendency has also been discussed. The cracks have been observed with a scan electron microscopy to analyze the cracking mechanism. The results show that cracks have not appeared in NiCrSiB cladding. Nevertheless, the cracking tendency of CoWC35 cladding is extremely high and there are both cold cracks and hot cracks in the cladding. The cracking tendency of laser cladding depends on physical properties of the cladding material and plasticity and roughness of the cladding. The cracking tendency has been observed with a scan electron microscopy to analyze the cracking mechanism. The results show that cracks have not Nevertheless, the cracking tendency of CoWC35 cladding is extremely high and there are both cold cracks and hot cracks in the cladding. The cracking tendency of laser cladding depends on physical properties of the cladding material and plasticity and roughness of the cladding .
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国际奥林匹克委员会成立于1894年,至今已110年。国际奥林匹克委员会认为其不是一个单纯的体育组织,而是一个旨在传播奥林匹克思想、奥林匹克主义的机构和组织。所谓奥林匹克思想、奥林匹克主义,概括地说,就是主张通过体育和文化、教育相结合的途径培养身心和谐发展的人,创建一个尊重人的尊严的社会,从而为建立一个更加美好、和平的世界做出贡献。    插上五星红旗就是胜利    从历史看,自20世纪20年代开始
目的 :将从全人源Fab噬菌体抗体库筛选获得的抗H7N9血凝素Fab抗体基因进行基因工程改造,以表达全分子抗H7N9血凝素中和抗体Ig G,并验证其对H7N9型禽流感病毒的中和活性。方法
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