An Analysis of Senior High School English Teacher Talk Based on Speech Act Theory

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  Abstract: Teacher talk means the language spoken by teacher to organize activities in class. And it is also a useful tool of teaching. In the study, the participants involved are 3 teachers and 160 students from 3 classes which the three teachers teach respectively, and they are all from Datong No.2 Middle School. Classroom observation and recording method is adopted. Based on Speech Act Theory, the paper analyzes teacher talk from five aspects: teacher’s greeting, instruction, presentation, question and feedback. By analyzing the proportion of each type of teacher talk, the characteristics and its effect on students, this paper points out some limitations of the teacher talk found in the study. And so the paper further throws out some suggestions in an attempt to standardize the teacher talk and improve classroom teaching.
  Key Words: Speech Act Theory; teacher talk; senior English class
  Nowadays students are more inclined to learn a foreign language in the classroom, therefore teacher talk, the language that teachers speak to organize the classroom is of importance. It is indispensable to control the students’ behaviors in class. The initial research on classroom discourse structure is conducted by Bellack (1966). He divided classroom discourse into four steps. In the 1970s, the study of teacher talk was carried out by western scholars. Recently, domestic scholars begin to pay close attention to foreign language classroom discourse analysis. The well-known scholars are Zhao (1998), Hu (2003), Wang (2017) etc. The paper aims to make a research on teacher talk based on Speech Act Theory (Austin 1962), which presents three acts. The study is to help teachers regulate teacher talk and raise their awareness of the importance of teacher talk. In that case, students are mostly likely to raise their interest in learning English and teachers have more effective communication with students.
  二、Theoretical Framework
  In the late 1950s, England philosopher Austin (1962) came up with Speech Act Theory. Austin abstracts three behaviors from a complete speech act: locutionary act, illocutionary act and perlocutionary act. Locutionary act refers to a behavior which conveys the literal meanings and complies with language habits; Illocutionary act means providing a valuable discourse with a special force and purpose. Perlocutionary act means the effect and influence on the hearer. Richards (1992) put forward that teacher talk refers to the professional language used by teachers to organize and engage in teaching in the second language class or foreign language class.   三、An Analysis of Teacher Talk
  1. The Proportion of Types of Teacher Talk
  Figure The Proportion of Types of Teacher Talk
  The figure shows the proportion is generally harmonious. Among them, question accounts for a large proportion, which is 35%, followed by instruction, which accounts for 25%, and presentation accounts almost the same proportion. The least is greeting, which is only 3%. Feedback is also relatively rare. Under the model of student-centered classroom, teachers may be more inclined to ask questions, which can give students more space to think. And more feedback will make students feel at ease in class.
  2. The Categories of Teacher Talk
  (1) Teacher Greeting
  Greetings can shorten the distance between teachers and students and lay a good foundation for classroom interaction. Based on Speech Act Theory, each speech of a speaker can simultaneously express or include three acts. For example: Good afternoon, boys and girls. Youth Day is coming, do you have any plans?  Teacher’s greeting best illustrate the three acts. When she makes the utterance, she first completes the locutionary act. The illocutionary act, namely, the purpose of the act is to greet students and guide students into today’s topic. In addition, perlocutionary act is that teachers’ greetings lay a foundation for classroom interaction between teachers and students.
  (2) Teacher Instruction
  Teacher instruction is the language used by teachers to instruct students in class. Teacher instruction includes three types: declarative sentences, imperative sentences and interrogative sentences. Declarative sentences are used to give students orders. For example, the sentence “I hope you can remember the usage”. The teacher utters these words and expresses his locutionary act. The illocutionary act is to assign homework and hope students to remember this important usage after class. The perlocutionary act is that the students carefully memorize them after class. Imperative sentence is concise, decisive and powerful. After hearing such instructions, students tend to get nervous. Interrogative sentences express a feeling of kindness, and when the students receive the instruction, they feel less pressure. For example: “Could you please list something?”. The perlocutionary act is the students feel relaxed and answer the question actively.
  (3) Teacher Question
  As for the content of the question, Kearsley (1976) proposed the division should be made between display question and referential question. Display questions usually require only superficial understanding to test whether the learner knows such knowledge. Whereas referential questions require that the questioner does not know the answer, and in order to expand the information, the questioner is required to actively develop creative thinking (Richards and Lockhart 2000). According to Speech Act Theory, display questions and referential questions both have three speech acts. for example: “Do you like travelling?” and “What kind of person do you think Xie Lei is?” The first is a display question and the latter is a referential question. The question itself is a locutionary act. The perlocutionary act respectively is that students just answer “Yes” or “No” following the teacher’s thought and the students answer the question actively, thus their thoughts are enlightened and be creative.   (4) Teacher Presentation
  Presentation refers to a verbal behavior by which teachers transmit knowledge to students, explain language points and demonstrate the rules of use. In the traditional teaching mode, teachers are the leading and center of classroom and most of the teaching activities are completed in the form of teachers’ explanation and presentation. According to Speech Act Theory, teachers express language phenomena and the rules of use (illocutionary act) by presenting the contents (locutionary act), so as to make students master the knowledge (perlocutionary act). Teacher’s speech is an important form of language input. For example, the sentence “Let’s take Xie Lei as an example to learn more about studying abroad.” the phrase “keep it up” means continue trying sth. and doing sth.”.
  (5)  Teacher Feedback
  Teacher Feedback is teachers’ understanding and response to students’ expressions and performance. Positive feedback lets learners understand and finish the task better and improve their motivation by means of praise. As the teacher says “thank you” (locutionary act), she expresses the attitudes towards their cooperation and participation (illocutionary act). At the same time, it also makes the classroom interaction more active and has positive effect on cultivating learners’ good habits (perlocutionary act). Negative feedback, for example “No, you are wrong.” The teacher does the reaction bluntly, reflecting the locutionary act. The implicature and purpose is to remind students of realizing their mistakes at once. The perlocutionary act is that students may be nervous all of a sudden and increases the psychological pressure, which is not conducive to the progress of the class teaching.
  3. Teaching Suggestions
  First, enrich the form of greetings. Teacher should not only provide the simple greetings, but focus on the usage of emotional language form. Second, use the interrogative sentences appropriately. According to the different characteristics of students, teachers should timely change the teaching instructions, using the most interrogative sentences. Third, ask the referential questions as much as possible in class, in an attempt to inspire students to think freely and actively, understand the content in a deeper level, and then creatively express themselves. Fourth, enrich the form of the presentations. Teachers should use multiple teaching presentations, such as rhetorical questions, clauses, etc. Fifth, give the positive feedback. It is an effective way to increase the motivation of learning. Providing positive feedback is more likely to make students participate in the class with an active attitude.   四、Conclusion
  Based on Speech Act Theory, the paper analyzes the proportion of each type of teacher talk and the characteristics of teacher talk from five aspects: teacher’s greeting, instruction, presentation, question and feedback. And the research finds that the proportion of teacher talk is generally harmonious, reflecting the student-centered classroom mode. Some teachers do not have greetings, and some greetings are too simple, which is not conducive to teaching. Some teachers still use more display questions in class. Teachers mostly use simple sentences in class to present the language points. Most teachers give positive feedback to students. Because of the limited ability of the researcher, the paper has several limitations. And it needs to be further improved. It is expected that the studies will be more meaningful and deeper in the future. Despite the limitations of this study, it can help teachers regulate teacher talk, improve the quality of teacher talk and provide references for foreign language teaching in China.
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摘要:记忆是口述历史的核心问题,我们国家历史丰富多彩,口述历史发展空间巨大。现今,国内崔永元口述史团队规模最大,成效最为显著,《我的抗战》是崔永元口述历史团队的代表作之一,不仅仅标志着口述历史的学科发展,更重要的是给中华民族留下了一份珍贵的财富。  关键词:记忆;口述史;《我的抗战》  记忆是口述历史中的核心话题,但不是唯一话题。“上世纪70年代所出现的口述史学研究的“记忆转向”,它是伴随史学的转