国士无双伍连德连载之五 决战于鼠疫漩涡

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100年前的寒冬,数百年不遇的鼠疫肆虐我国东三省。当时,一位年仅31岁的无名军医教官临危受命,以宽广的胸怀、科学的头脑、精湛的医术,动员全社会参与到这场鼠疫斗争中来。4个月后,防疫成功,中国主流社会第一次看到了现代医学和现代公共卫生的威力。从此,现代医学和现代公共卫生进入国人生活。他牵头创立了中华医学会和数所至今仍属国内首屈一指的医学院和医院;他主持了首次由中国人举办的国际医学学术研讨会;他放弃了三朝政府首脑邀请他出任卫生部长的机会,主动请缨出任下属于卫生部的国境检疫处处长,为的是收回国家主权。更令人敬佩的是,在年富力强,事业处于巅峰之际,他激流勇退,回乡行医,直到1960年1月21日病故。中国现代医学和公共卫生界人才辈出、群星璀璨。但是,无人能出其右。他就是被梁启超誉为“国士无双”的伍连德博士。可惜人们对他知之甚少。为此,本刊特邀旅美华裔作家王哲先生为我们继续讲述伍连德的传奇故事。 Hundreds of years ago, the plague never raged in the three northeastern provinces of China. At that time, a 31-year-old anonymous military instructors were dying, with a broad mind, scientific mind, superb medical skills, to mobilize the whole society to participate in the plague fight. Four months later, the epidemic prevention was successful. For the first time in China’s mainstream society, the power of modern medicine and modern public health was seen. Since then, modern medicine and modern public health into people’s lives. He led the founding of the Chinese Medical Association and several medical schools and hospitals which are still among the best in the country. He presided over the first international medical symposium to be held by Chinese people. He abandoned the chancellor of the three governments to invite him to serve as minister of health. Volunteered to serve as Director of the Quarantine Department of the Ministry of Health under the Ministry of Health in order to recover the national sovereignty. What is even more admirable is that when he was young and prosperous, his career peaked, he surrendered and returned home to practice medicine until he died on January 21, 1960. China’s modern medicine and public health professionals come from a large number of bright stars. However, no one can be right. He is Dr. Wu Liande, who has been hailed as one of the “Nobles” by Liang Qichao. Unfortunately, people know little about him. To this end, the magazine invited Wang Zhe, a Chinese-American writer to continue to tell us about Wu Liande’s legend.