To Retain the Smile of Angels

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  There used to be two species of cetacean in the Yangtze River, one was white-flag dolphin, the other is the only freshwater finless porpoise subspecies in the world -- Yangtze finless porpoise. They only live in the Yangtze River. White-flag dolphin has been declared to be functionally extinct, but the Yangtze finless porpoise still has hope…
  On November 27, 2014, the official website of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of China announced that in order not to affect the finless porpoise, the Ministry of Environmental Protection has not approved the second phrase environmental impact assessment (EIA) report of the treatment of the waterway of Anqing River. The project which cost 0.5 billion was paused. Once the announcement that project construction gives way to ecological environment was released, domestic and foreign media all reported it eagerly. People feel gratified, and their eyes are fixed on finless porpoise, who is known as "smiling angel" and their living status again.
  "There are two reasons why the second phrase environmental assessment report of the treatment of the courses of Anqing River cannot be approved by the EIA: the project is launched in a place where the ecological environment is very sensitive, the project will occupy the important ecological environment of aquatic organisms such as finless porpoise, and the effectiveness of the protecting measures of finless porpoise cannot be ensured." the official website of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of China says. Being unable to pass the EIA makes the project construction institution – Changjiang Waterway Bureau very anxious. Li Qingyun, of director of Changjiang Waterway Bureau said when he received the interview of the reporters of China Youth Daily, " the Anqing River is deep in both ends and shallow in the middle, it stops the ships at the two ends like a bottleneck. For the local government which is in urgent need of economic development, this waterway is very important. If the project is not conducted, the implementation of the objectives of 2020, ‘6–meter deep water to Anqing’ will be affected directly...... it also has relationship to the next step, as for whether ships of 5000-ton level can go to Wuhan after the project 6–meter deep water of Anqing is conducted.
  It is also in the Anhui section of the Yangtze where the density of finless is the highest. It is said that there gather about 200 finless porpoises, accounting for almost 40% of the total number of the Yangtze river. "It is because in the past, the speed of economic development of the area was not fast, and there were abundant lakes and tributaries, which could become the refuge for finless porpoises at a critical time." introduced by Zhang Xinqiao, who has attended the 2012 Yangtze freshwater dolphin expedition.   The current situation of Yangtze finless porpoise is worrying
  Yangtze finless porpoise is the only freshwater finless porpoise subspecies in the world, which is known as the "living fossil" and "panda in the water" of the ecology of Yangtze River. In as early as 1988, it was listed as the second class national-level protected animal of China. In November to December of 2012, by the Ministry of Agriculture of China, the Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and some other institutions organized jointly the Yangtze freshwater dolphin expedition project, which took 44 days. At that time, Wang Ding, General Commander of the expedition and researcher of Wuhan Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences pointed out," The speed of extinction of finless porpoise is increasing. The barrier of shipping makes it difficult for finless porpoise to migrate, the construction of water conservancy facilities leads to changes in the hydrological situation of the midstream and downstream of the Yangtze River, the rivers are blocked up, the bottomlands that are suitable for finless porpoise to live reduce. If we do not speed up the pace of finless porpoise protection, they may get extinct within ten years. Therefore, the protection of finless porpoise needs the participation of the whole society."
  According to preliminary estimates, with the deterioration of the living environment, the amount of finless porpoise has gradually drops from 3600 in 1990 to 1800 in 2006, with the declining rate of 6.5% per year. After 2006, the declining rate is 13.7%. 2012 Yangtze freshwater dolphin expedition project found that, there were about 500 finless porpoises in the trunk stream of Yangtze River, about 450 in Poyang Lake, 90 in Dongting Lake and 1040 in total. At present, finless porpoise has been listed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature as one of the "critically endangered species".
  With the increasing number of people who become familiar with Yangtze finless porpoises, their living situation is drawing more and more attention of people. Yu Daoping is one of the numerous guardians of finless porpoise. He is currently a professor of Life Sciences of Anqing Normal University. At the same time, he is the Technical Director of the Xijiang River finless porpoise rescuing center of Anqing. If you ask him whose call is the most terrible, he will say it is not his superiors’, friends’ or relatives’, but the call from the Fishery Bureau. Because most of the calls from the Fishery Bureau are to inform that the bodies of finless porpoises are found somewhere, and his help with anatomy is needed.   It is said that in the past 30 years, Yu Daoping has dissected about 200 finless porpoises. Particularly in recent years, he often finds while dissecting finless porpoises that there is nothing in their stomachs. In addition, their skin has various degrees of injury, "It is for catching fish, that they took the risk of diving into the stone crevices. The anti-flood walls, water conservancy projects all use large blocks, and the mouth of finless porpoise is very short, now they even want to eat the fish in the stones crevices." Thus, it is not difficult to imagine what Yu Daoping sees when he dissects finless porpoises.
  Water-concerning projects threaten the life of finless porpoise
  Who on earth is the cause of the deaths of finless porpoises? In this regard, the relevant experts told the reporter that, the main killer who damages the residential environment and fish resources as prey of finless porpoise is large water-concerning projects. Zhang Xinqiao, Project Specialist of the finless porpoise project of World Wide Fund For Nature said in an interview of the media that, in China, when there are national and local construction projects, aquatic organisms often give way for them. For example, in the Xinluo Section of the Yangtze River, a national conservation area has seen 20 to 30 water-concerning projects which needs to be approved and conducted since 2006. At present, the entire Yangtze River Basin has fewer than a thousand finless porpoises. One important reason is the impact of human activities such as project construction.
  The threat of water-concerning projects to finless porpoises is permanent, on the one hand, the changes of hydrological condition will cause the degradation of fishery resources, and directly result in foot shortage of the Yangtze finless porpoises, on the other hand, the finless porpoises like reproducing in channels, and places with pits and holes, but during the waterway regulation projects, high strength materials such as stones, concrete, concrete iron and so forth are often used to harden and cover the bottomland and bank slopes, which damages the breeding habitat of finless porpoises directly. After the project is completed, the following intensive shipping will bring a more direct threat to finless porpoises. According to the introduction of Zhang Xinqiao, in the drought period when water surface narrows, finless porpoises which need to breathe, often and squeeze to the same place of ships, thus, shipping becomes the most direct killer. Sometimes these intelligent mammals will hide themselves in the bunkers left by the constructions, however, the situation often occurs that, when the water level drops, some finless porpoises that cannot leave in time are trapped in these bunkers, dying of thirsty and starvation.
世界主要工业国家于近日表示支持2015年全球气候变化新协议,这与美国在此之前的相关承诺有关其在某种程度上改变了萎靡不振的势头。  美国计划到2030年将减少30%的发电厂排放量,这促使欧盟捍卫自己的记录。  中国作为世界温室气体排放量最大的国家,也有迹象显示将限制排放量。  在布鲁塞尔高峰会谈后的一份公报中显示,七国集团领导人肯定了他们采用2015全球新协议的“强大决心”,而该协议是“雄心勃勃,包
肯尼亚警方及野生生物官员称当局截获228只完整象牙及74只象牙的碎片,这些象牙已被包装完毕并欲在港口城市蒙巴萨出口。  最近几年撒哈拉以南的非洲地区非法狩猎活动猖獗,狩猎团伙为获取象牙和犀牛角而捕杀大象和犀牛,以满足亚洲传统药物市场的需求。  肯尼亚野生生物局在一份声明中称在这次对港口城市蒙巴萨的一处仓库的突袭中缴获的象牙将悉数充公。  蒙巴萨县行政长官内尔森·马尔瓦称,“这批象牙正在被装载并准备
一种消灭了大量印第安秃鹫的药物正在威胁着欧洲及非洲的老鹰和秃鹫的生态安全。金鹰因此有可能成为珍稀物种。  印第安兀鹫从20世纪90年代起开始消失。它们死于一种给牛吃的叫做双氯芬酸的止痛药的手中。该药物残留在兀鹫喜食的牛尸体中,随后进入它们的血液从而伤害其肾脏。  如今看来双氯芬酸对老鹰也造成了同样的影响,它们也以牛的尸体为食。然而该药最近被批准在西班牙和意大利使用,两国是欧洲最大数量的秃鹫及老鹰的
美国气象预报员于周四的每月展望中预测北半球今夏发生厄尔尼诺现象的可能性增大。  美国国家气象局气候预报中心称今夏有70%的可能发生厄尔尼诺现象,而秋季和冬季发生的可能性为80%,这将会严重破坏全球农作物。  The U.S. weather forecaster said there was an increased likelihood of an El Nino weather phenome
在不到一百年的时间里,人类摧毁了咸海。这是最具有象征意味的环境灾难之一。不过现在看来,咸海之前至少崩塌了两次,并且每一次都恢复了。  1961年,中亚的咸海是当时世界的第四大湖。但是苏联时期开始实施大规模的灌溉项目,大量使用湖水,使得咸海的体积降至原来的10%并留下大面积的干旱土地。生态系统已经崩溃,干涸的湖床上含有沙尘暴传播而来的杀虫剂,饮用水也受到污染。  而现在地质学家发现,咸海曾经从类似的
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Our world continues to face various challenges influencing the entire world. It includes: poverty and starvation; the lack of education and health service; unemployment; the poor condition and lack of
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凯斯西储的研究员们对多功能干细胞的研究取得标志性突破,即发现可以通过引导使其在体内为满足不同需求而发展变化。此项进展使科学家们最终有望通过干预干细胞来预防疾病或修复伤病引起的损伤。该研究及结果刊登在6月5日版的细胞干细胞期刊上。  多功能干细胞如此命名是因为它们可以发展成任何存于体内的细胞类型。它们的巨大潜力引起了两位成熟的研究员的注意,而他们的研究领域是互补的。  “我们有了一个特殊的机会将两个
As the only freshwater mammal of the Yangtze River, Yangtze finless porpoise, has been regarded as the flagship species and health index of the ecosystem of the Yangtze River over the years, "It is a