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目的 :研究甜茶素对小鼠糖异生作用和血脂代谢的影响。方法 :雄性昆明种小鼠22只 ,随机分为对照组和给药组。给药组小鼠每天灌胃甜茶素 ,对照组小鼠灌胃生理盐水。灌胃3周后 ,测小鼠的血清葡萄糖、血清甘油三酯、血清胆固醇及肝糖原等生化指标。结果 :甜茶素能降低正常小鼠血糖水平 ,降糖率为18.47 % ;其对小鼠糖异生具有明显的抑制作用 ,抑制率为17.32%。同时 ,甜茶素能明显降低血清甘油三酯水平 ,降低幅度为30.08% ;对胆固醇含量也有降低作用。结论 :甜茶素对小鼠血糖代谢的影响与控制糖异生途径有关。 Objective : To study the effect of Saccharine on gluconeogenesis and lipid metabolism in mice. Methods: Twenty-two male Kunming mice were randomly divided into control group and drug administration group. The mice in the drug-administered group were given intragastric administration of catechins daily, and the mice in the control group were given normal saline. Three weeks after gavage, the mice were measured for serum glucose, serum triglycerides, serum cholesterol, and hepatic glycogen. RESULTS: Saccharine decreased the blood glucose level of normal mice, and the hypoglycemic rate was 18.47%. It had obvious inhibitory effect on gluconeogenesis in mice, and the inhibition rate was 17.32%. At the same time, sweet tea can significantly reduce serum triglyceride levels, a decrease of 30.08%; also have a reduction effect on cholesterol levels. Conclusion : The effect of saccharin on blood glucose metabolism in mice is related to the control of gluconeogenesis.
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(ISSN 1009-3095)Vol.4,No.1-6 ,Jan.-Dec.,p.1-759 No .1MechanicsCivilEngineeringThree dimensionalanalysisofathickFGMrectangularplateinthermalenvironment CHENWei
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
言多必失,祸从口出,在言语上逞强的人,暂时的满足远远不及由此带来的灾祸,何必让一时嘴上的痛快毁了自己生存的权利呢? Too much to lose, to curse, to pervert in speech,