
来源 :中医药管理杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pcxuexi
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2014年1月6日讯:深圳市首家民营资本注资的中医主题公益基金会——深圳颐仁中医基金会日前在当地成立。该基金会是由深圳市民政局批准成立的非公募公益基金会,由企业界人士捐资发起,致力于中医药文化的传播、推广,以及青年中医人才的培养和奖励,并支持中医药学术交流和传统的传承。国家中医药管理局国际合作司司长王笑频、深圳市卫生和人口计划生育委员会副主任许四虎等领导与基金会七位捐资创始理事夏国新、黄文辉、胡波、周晓宇、刘坚、何曙华、史杰君共同为“深圳颐仁中医基金会”揭牌。 January 6, 2014 News: Shenzhen Yi Ren Chinese Medicine Foundation, the first non-governmental funded theme fund invested by private capital in Shenzhen, was set up recently. The Foundation is a non-public welfare foundation approved by the Shenzhen Civil Affairs Bureau. It is sponsored by business people and dedicated to the dissemination and promotion of traditional Chinese medicine and the cultivation and rewards of young Chinese medicine professionals. It also supports academic exchange of traditional Chinese medicine And traditional heritage. Wang Xiaoshu, director of International Cooperation Department of State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Xu Siuhu, deputy director of Shenzhen Municipal Health and Population Family Planning Commission, and seven founding directors of the Foundation Xia Guoxin, Huang Wenhui, Hu Bo, Zhou Xiaoyu, Liu Jian, He Shuhua and Shi Jiejun For the “Shenzhen Yi Ren Chinese Medicine Foundation” inaugurated.
AIM: To investigate the protective effects of the natural medicinal monomer ecdysterone(ECR) with estrogenic activity against oxidative damage in human lens epi
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在慈利方言里,“AA儿”式是一种相当普遍的重叠格式,单音节的名词、动词、形容词、副词、数词、量词都可以这样重叠。本文考察分析了“AA儿”式的构成特点和语法特点。 In t
Objective:To explore the in vitro antimicrobial potential of Holigarna arnottiana(H.arnottiana)against human and shrimp pathogenic bacteria and use GC-MS analys
目的 研究分泌型白细胞蛋白酶抑制剂(SLPI)在新生大鼠急性肺损伤模型中的抗炎作用.方法 利用脂多糖(LPS)气管内滴入制备新生大鼠急性肺损伤的模型;设立SLPI治疗组、LPS组、生理盐水对照组和正常对照组.SLPI治疗组在气管内滴入LPS前预先滴入400μg SLPI.4h后取肺组织匀浆,用ELISA法检测TNF-α的含量.结果 SLPI组的肺组织中TNF-α含量(2798.6±618.5)ng
本刊除第10届编委会委员承担审稿工作外,2013年度还邀请以下专家作为我们的审稿人,现将姓名列出.谨致衷心感谢(以汉语拼音为序)。 In addition to the 10th editorial board
1998年以来应用丁咯地尔治疗突发性聋 30例 ,取得了较好的疗效 ,报告如下 :1 资料和方法1.1 临床资料  6 0例确诊为突发性聋的患者 ,分为丁咯地尔治疗组 :30例 ,男 2 0例